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Having too much time...


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
I, ZeldaGuardian, has officially delcared that I have too much time on my hands... I have completed something that no one has ever thought of... Starting the NPL: Nintendo Players League... I even have a Constitution on it... It's based off the original Constitution of the Unites States... We have the President, Cabinet, Senate, House of Reps., EVERYTHING!!! If you wish to join, you must talk with me... The President and Founder of the Nintendo Players League...
Is anyone still interested about joining the Nintendo Players League?? It's a fictional Government that should be created and house the people who are the best talkers and political video gamers. I have the President (Me) already done. I have the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Amendments complete as well. I need the positions filled and those who have the required experience and stats to join my Cabinet and Vice-President.

Basically, in a nut-shell... The Nintendo Players League is a Video Game Government that works almost like an actual Government. I do apologize that I can't pay for who becomes a member. But we would work almost like a real Government. I just hope that those who would want to join, won't become corrupt. We don't want to become a real Government, like ours. Soo, if anyone is still interested, send me a PM and I'll give you the low down of what I need. I'm going to list what the positions are, here. If you're interested in learning about one or wanting to become one, send me a PM and I'll give you all the information. Please don't lie on your application.

The Positions are:

1. Vice-President of the Nintendo Players League
2. Chief of Staff to the President
3. Secretary of Nintendo
4. Secretary of Sony
5. Secretary of Microsoft (Xbox)
6. Secretary of Education

And then, the Secretaries of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are eligible to choose a Representative and a Senator (House of Reps and Senate). However, if any candidates are to be chosen, they must be brought to the Chief of Staff, Vice President, and the President of the Nintendo Players League for final say. More will be explained about each position, as the person who wishes to join.