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Hearts not showing up anymore

I have been playing Zelda Wind Waker and I have notice that when I earned my 11th heart it did not showed up on my heart meter. I have earned 5 more hearts and they are not showing up neither! What can I do to fix this?:confused:
The Tech Forum is for website issues only, so I moved your thread to Zelda 101.

As for your question, what are you playing it on? If you are using an emulator, we cannot help you. If you are playing it off of a Gamecube disc on a Gamecube or Wii, someone could help if they have experienced the same issue and have found a way to fix it.
Are you sure you're collecting full hearts (heart containers) or are you rather collecting heart pieces? You need four heart pieces to form one extra heart on your meter. Hearts in progress will not show up. Heart containers are only received after fighting a boss.
If you're using an emulator, it's most likely very instable as it's a GameCube game. But as that's illegal, I don't think you have the right to complain.

If you're playing on a GameCube, then that's really weird. It's most likely some scratch on the disk or something like that. If that's the case, you should be glad it's only the hearts that don't display ;)
Now that I think about it, that did happen to me after my disk was scratched. It was only temporary though, and my hearts appeared again. Must be an issue with loading the file that contains the heart display.