Gunslinger Girl
Hello everybody 
So it seems that activity has gone down a lot this year, myself included. I believe that the main problem is that when one of us does come on, no one else is here so it's rather discouraging. I'll see what I can do to come on more often so that others will have SOMEONE to talk to in the chat, but you other people have got to try to make some effort to. Thanks ^.^
Gunslinger Girl
So it seems that activity has gone down a lot this year, myself included. I believe that the main problem is that when one of us does come on, no one else is here so it's rather discouraging. I'll see what I can do to come on more often so that others will have SOMEONE to talk to in the chat, but you other people have got to try to make some effort to. Thanks ^.^
Gunslinger Girl