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the time has come people...Led Zeppelin is now on i tunes!!! i have awaited this moment forever! i hated all the cover bands cause no one can beat plant and bodum and everyone else! yay!
Who's bodum? Bonham?

Yeah you're right, although I actually lost some respect for them because they always refused to put their stuff on iTunes with the rest of the world's music.

Take my word, a physical collection is much better. I'm missing only 2 on cd.
ya i meant to say bonham but the only reason led zeppelin didnt have their music on itunes was because they didnt want to deal with all that technical stuff. and i can see why and thats why they are not on guitar hero. but know that zeppelin is on itunes they will be making a lot more money.
and i do have physical collections of songs, i just dont have the real cd i download the songs and burn a disk =p
cuddles, you gotta buy the cds, or even the records(like I did) it gives you a real feel for the music, rather than staring at your ipod screen. whats better, getting your favorite album, opening it, poppin it into the cd player, and thanking the world for its beautiful art of music, or staring at your ipod screen, listening to a low quality version that you bought off of itunes? plus, with the artwork in the panphlet and on the cover, you really get an idea of the emotions that went into that album.
i have this thingy that turns records into cd's and it can also turn cd's into records. so thats how i got it
Well you still don't have album artwork or anything.

Why would you turn CD's into records? The only good thing about buying a record is that it's the original.
No, they don't, at all. They have much lower sound quality due to the needle in your pickup. CDs are read through lasers, giving them much more accurate sound, even if it's remastered.