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how do u find all of em????

Hey, no problem. You can use it for pieces of heart as well. And other things such as the Biggoron's Sword trading game. I love Gamefaqs!
That is true that other sites have nice guides, but I have looked through their zelda guides, none having as much depth and detail as one of ZeldaGuardians'. So I trust his a lot more than I trust theirs for zelda help. Another better part to his guides is that if you don't understand something, you can directly contact him through the forum, and he can help clarify something for you.
Thanks, Ultima. I do try my best to make sure the guides are descriptive enough for anyone and everyone to understand.
Yes, ZG's guides are actually very good. I've only use the OOS guide myself, although it really helped me get through a few tough situations. You can trust his work :).
Ya know what, Linkman?? You guys give me too much credit. I'm just a simple person trying to make my way in the universe... But, I do thank you for using the guide as a reference. That's what I've always wanted to do. Spread my knowledge and guides to Zelda Fans over the world and ZeldaSages is the place to make that happen.