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icon issue

Ides Of March

Shakespeare's Wife
is it my computer or is it your website? my avatar disappeared, as did many other people's. they simply don't show up. I'm just getting a line of text that says "Ides of March's avatar" can you fix this, webmaster?
I've got the same thing, but this might be better off in the tech service part of the forum.
...I looked for that but I couldn't find it. It's probably in a really obvious place, isn't it? Oh, typical...
The next closest thing was this forum, suggestions. This works because I am SUGGESTING that Bob fix this issue.
Just sent out a mass E-Mail about how to fix the issue. It turns out when we updated the forum software the custom avatar folder had its permissions changed to null for all (so, no read no write...in simple terms your computer can't download the photos). I attempted to change the folder permissions back to all read and write, and then the server got a little angry and took the data away from me... :).

Just go to this page to re-upload your avatar:
