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Innovation for the future


I like Nintendo's new controller idea. But then again, I also like beans. Then AGAIN, I'm also a blockhead sooo I guess it doesn't really matter. What do yoose guys thinks?
You bet your brussel sprouts it's an interesting idea!! I'm just happy to see them trying something new to expand the lovely potential of the intriguing world of videogames. I'm happy for Nintendo.
Personally, if its a videogame that's good and that I like, I don't care what system it's on. That's why I'm not a supporter of any one company or anything, I support Videogames as a whole. Yea.
Nintendo has an updated version of the Revolution Controller... I have, personally, seen the controller and it's pretty bad. It's really easy-to-use. Well, just wait and see... You guys will know soon enough.
Updated controler...how do you know??? *Seriously :p*. Ah well, we'll probably just have to wait until E3. Wouldn't it be good if the controller was simple to use though *unless you mean simple by having a great lack of buttons*