• Welcome to the Zelda Sages Forums!

    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

Introductions Section


Deku Scrub
A place for new members to introduce themselves and get welcome into the community would be great. I was a little imposed upon registering because there weren't that many sections for the community and not for the series.
Hi Onclear!

First, welcome!

Second, we did have a separate forum for only introductions several years ago, but it got the chopping block when we made the decision to downsize the number of forums we had in an effort to "clean up" our design. Chat has become to de-facto area for "I'm New" threads.

I'm am curious about your community vs series comment. Do you have any board suggestions that could play well into a more community-focused concept? We've previously had forums like "Introductions and Goodbyes" and "Pile of Rupees" (out-there conversations).