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Is it time??

What should WebmasterBob do with Zelda Sages??

  • Take it down for his personal use

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let it remain online

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Gather all the people he can and rally behind ZS to bring back to life

    Votes: 3 60.0%

  • Total voters


The Great Sage of The Seven Sages
Hello everyone. I am The Great Sage and welcome to what could be the Final Thread of Zelda Sages. Now let me be the first to say my thoughts about this place...

I loved being here. I was honored by becoming the Co-Webmaster of Zelda Sages, when it was just first starting out. I was here before it was released. I was here when it first set sailed. With me and @webmasterbob at the helm, it seemed that we were on route to something amazing. Then dark times fell, when I betrayed everyone and the very oath I stood by in protecting this site. I did some things that I am not proud of. You know what?? I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I... *inhale, exhale* I DID plagiarize a few of my content guides that I was writing. Yeah, @Dakare wasn't lying about what happened. And that was why I stepped down from Co-Webmaster. And honestly, I should've been banned permanently. However, I cannot change the past. I can only correct my process to help better my future. Soo, I took my leave from Zelda Sages, wanting to not really return... For what I did, I can only say that I am sorry that my teenage self didn't know how to act.

A lot has changed since I was last here. A lot of amazing updates were happening and things were going very well. As of this day... In 6 months to the day, will mark 10 Years of Zelda Sages. October 11th will make the 10-Year Anniversary of Zelda Sages launching. I'm sure @webmasterbob may have something planned on that day. But, I cannot be sure. However, every couple years or soo, I would come across this place and I would only be reminded of my failures... Then more years would pass by, before I realize that I'm letting something of my past eat away at me. Soo, I've decided to come back hard.

Ever since March of this year (2016), I've been more active than I ever have. I've been posting in every board, trying to bring this place back to life. I'm constantly on this site everyday, considering I work for a really great computer company. I've even been in contact with @webmasterbob about maybe helping out again. Because, I've noticed that Bob was looking for a Content Writer. Initially, I didn't want to notice it, because I know that I would've applied for it. However, I thought that maybe I can prove that things have really changed since my incident on June 30th, 2007... All that crap about resigning over personal and emotional things... I don't even buy it, and I'm the one that wrote it!! Anyways... I figured I could try again, seeing on how I've done soo many changes in the past almost 10 years.

All the content I once had... Gone. I got rid of it, as it was a memory of my failed attempts to try and be something I could never be. I pulled out ALL my games and started on many strategy guides. I've developed my own personal and unique template for writing guides. I replayed through all the Zelda games (all the way up to Triforce Heroes) and wrote a brand new guide for them all. I've even expanded to Sony and Xbox games too. I've even started recording video walkthroughs for 3 reasons really: To test my guides, to chronicle my adventures, and to upload them to my YouTube channel for my Let's Play series. However, something is definitely new...

Ever since I've been back on this site as a full-time member, I've really noticed just how much Social Media has taken over... It's like people rely more on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc. in order to stay in contact... Not many people are going back to their roots and following up on their forum or website... However, I don't blame anyone or anything. Everyone in this world has a life to live. No one has an exception to it. Soo, here's the reason of this entirely big post... Is it time?? Is it time that Zelda Sages fades into memory, just like the old Hyrule Kingdom?? Let me know in the posts below... I created a poll to go with it too.

Me personally... I think it may be time for Zelda Sages to fade into memory... I rather it not, but I think it's simply time for it to fade away. @webmasterbob and I were talking about it and I think I'm going to agree with him and I think he should turn this place into his own personal website, allowing him to keep up with his Website building savvy. But, if you think we can save it, I'm all aboard that train too. Tell me what you think about it, down below in the posts.
Pretty insightful stuff, ZeldaGuardian! I lurk on here every so often, and post, as you've seen, but it definitely isn't like the old days. I feel like a lot has changed with the onset of Facebook and other platforms. Even the huge Zelda Sites out there don't seem to be doing as well as they used to. It's a little sad, actually, because it's places like these that Zelda fans can really interact with each other.

To me, it also seems like a lot of this stuff has come about because Nintendo itself isn't exactly in a position of glory right now. With little news comes little updates. With that said, Bob, not to be a prude, but there's definitely been news since March of last year, haha :).

In all, I would love to see Zelda Sages stay online. A lot of the older guard sites, like HTLOZ, have done just that - keeping the site live as a kind of archive and the forums open. I've also seen sites go to the brink and make their way back (ZeldaPower) and some just fade out (Ganon's Tower, which was one of my personal favorites!). Whatever it is Bob decides to do, I'll support him, but I'd like to make my preference known.
Yeah, I'm pretty well torn between the two. I wanna help make this site huge again, and this time... This time, I have all the authentic paperwork to do it. I wanna do everything I can to help bring Zelda Sages back online again, make it to where it's full of hustle and bustle and assorted commotion... You wanna know what's the true crazy thing is that...

One day, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/etc. will become a thing of the past... We all know the internet won't be around forever... But there will come a day where the only thing that we can use to stay in contact will be websites and forums... And I want to do everything I can to bring this place back from the dead... I wanna bring it back to its glory days, and this time, everything will be authentic and original.

But I do agree with you, @Linkman. It really is up to @webmasterbob to make his final decision. I, too, will help support him in his decision. It would be awesome to have it remain online as an archive.
I have been here since the beginning and have had a lot of fun here, but as Guardian says this site has been rather slow the last few years. I know that our Webmaster has gone back and forth on this idea many times over the last several years. This site is a treasure trove of Zelda knowledge, tactics, and walkthroughs it will be very sad if this site was to fade into dust but I like those who have stated above shall support our Webmaster and Emperor in whatever he deems is the wisest option.
@Lt_Justin, you and I both were here in the very beginning. And it's honestly bound to happen as the years go by. People become busy with their lives, they tend to forget about places they once visited, social media was becoming the #1 thing in the world... Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and more... Like I always said: "You can either adapt or perish... For it is the Way of Evolution..." However, I still believe that Zelda Sages can adapt to this new change in the world. Soo, it's now up to our Webmaster of Zelda Sages to decide our next turn in this adventure... What say you @webmasterbob?? Do we adapt?? Or... Do we perish??
(Editor's note: So yeah. Even though I'm old now, please forgive my grammar if it comes out weird, and know that I am a rambler; I haven't been on a forum in hardcore mode since around 06 and haven't been online typing since around 09. This post is going to be crazy long. I sat here, lamenting over this from 11:10 pm to 2:30 am. This is your only warning. Please be gentle:3)

Hello again, old friends! It really has been way too long.

I wish to start by saying what this site means to me, and give you my backstory, so if I somehow manage to disappear into oblivion again, at least someone may know my history and who I was. [This isn't a eulogy. We aren't dead. And no, I'm not in denial. Enjoy your read!]

First off, some backstory.

In December of 1999(I remember because I had gotten Digimon TFM 2000 a short time after) I awoke christmas morning and ran to the living room to find the tv on with an N64 all hooked up with Banjo-kazooie knocking on the tv screen. I couldnt believe my tiny five year old eyes. My parents had finally been able to afford a video game console, and it was all mine - and I LOVED it.

Flash forward to 2002. I'd put countless hours of playtime into my 64, and the majority of those hours where invested in mash bros, banjo-kazooie, banjo-tooie, and of course super mario 64... but the most of all was still to come, my favorite(and only) golden cartridge that my grubby third grade hands owned: Majora's Mask. It was dark. It was creepy. Mysterious. And downright glorious.

I received this after my parents goofed on picking up MM instead of OOT(which to be fair, my parents didn't know much about video games) as a birthday surprise, in July of 2002. I finally had a Zelda game -which I had heard awesome stories about from friends at school(sadly, I had to wait a week to play because it needed an expansion pack, and the parents nabbed a gameshark by mistake.)and I played the living daylights out of it. I was super excited, because I had just finished Banjo Tooie, and being the wierd, disturbed child I was, I relished the fact that I had gotten an even darker game.

I was instantly hooked. Zelda became akin to all things good. I did chores to save up money for the GBC oracle series so my pokemon crystal wouldn't be so lonely. I inherited(after begging and begging) my uncle's old original gameboy with link's awakening. And I cherished every hour I got to play. I took to school, talking about strategies or how far we had gotten that week. What dungeon was kicking our ***. It was heaven.

Fast forward to 03. Sonic X was airing(which got me mad into sonic back then), and being somewhat poor, we didn't have the money for cable tv, which meant the only cartoon action I ever got was on fox. And lo and behold, at the end of the year I recieved the platinum gamecube from an uncle of mine, with sonic adventure 2 battle, mash bros melee, and the promotional zelda series gamecube game thingy that had z1 and z2 as well as MM and OOT. More Zelda? Get out of here!!!

To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. Finally I had oot, and I beat it in under a week.(I had a bad habit of rushing through every game I had, because my 'game time' was limited to how much time I spent reading. Thusly, to this day, I still speed through games, though I slow down some. And since we didn't have much money for games, I did countless runthroughs of each game) I needed more of my favorite green dude, but I had nowhere else to go. We had just moved to a new town, and as I was, I was supremely introverted. It bummed me out that I had no one to talk to anymore about how much the wizrobe from stone tower was pissing me off, or how annoying it was fumbling up to nab the megaton hammer. Finally I stopped being the weird introvert, and branched out at school. Talking my favorite strategies on how to easily beat stalfos with my classmates became the norm. I was known as the weird artsy gamer kid, but I didn't care too much, because I had a baseline of people who shared my interests.

Then.... OH man... then came the internet. Had things been different; had I been given access to a digital drawing pad, I probably would have ended up on newgrounds. But lucky for me, I was put in an after school program that had access to the internet, but youtube and newgrounds where somehow banned(GAAAH). Since I really didn't know much about the intricacies of the internet as of yet, I explored. And, after ending up halfway between explodingdekunut[.net] and thelegendofzelda[.com] I ended up here. I read the forums and such, and was excited to do more, but mostly I just read, preferring silence over speaking(though I did have a few dumb posts on here. *GAG*). Webmasterbob was probably the coolest older dude that I knew. How many fifth graders chilled with legal adults? You could be whoever you wanted, old or young, and your voice was heard. It was a center of exploration, like finding that new sidequest you never knew was there to nab that missing mask. I loved it. I had an amazing time, and had I had a computer of my own, I would have been on WAAAY more.

(side note: I did have an IBM once, but only for a week, I brought it to school[it was 06 by now for those who care] for a project and when I went to grab it out of my locker, the locker door was kicked in, and my things strewn about, laptop gone. I never found who did it.)

In conclusion(yeah I really just said that), ZS was my starting line. My real beginning to the online magic that I know today. I really miss it here, and seeing as I haven't had a legitimate computer/smartphone/internet accessible item, I haven't been on in a loooooong time. Coming back to see how empty it is is just..... jarring. Guardian brings up a great point: right now, as we stand, we are wheezing with a hole in our chest, clawing our way to redemption. A ghost of our past self, crawling feebly and frantically away from the doors of death. But I truly believe we can be more. PLEASE correct me if I am wrong, but to my knowledge, Webmasterbob has been the sole backbone that has kept ZS standing. In my own words, You have done an amazing job. But you cannot suffer alone anymore. If we are to rise again, we need a dedicated core---a legitimate team---to keep this sword arm swinging. Keep in mind, I don't know much, but I am willing to learn. If you wish, I will do whatever it takes to bring us back up again. Whatever I can do to help, Let Me Know. Guardian, you said you where willing to do whatever it takes. In my opinion, we CAN make it. We need devoted people who are willing to stand by Bob and help out here. I don't know jack about moderating, coding, and/or web-writing(I'm in the middle of learning to be a penntester, but aside from hacking, I don't know much else) and with a child on the way, I don't have money, but I would give all that I am to see ZS returned to former glory.

As to how we can become bigger? As G-man said earlier, FB/Twitter/Instahams etc will become a thing of the past (myspace, Ima lookin at choo)but as of right now, aside from shining up the site, we should take to Facebook, Twitter, and even Twitch. I don't tweet at all, but I'm sure we know someone who's savvy with twitter. Can we get a serious presence there? I also saw our FB page(though I don't have a FB account of my own) and it has remained untouched since 13. If we have a few people constantly posting on there, I'm sure we can rake in more people. And how bout trying to recruit old members? Send out an email to all the oldies who might still be connected to said email addresses? How bout doing livestreams on twitch- Zelda related of course? Three heart challenge, or TP's new gannondorf amiibo hard mode run, having various ZS users try to complete something like that on a singular ZS twitch account(with or without prizes)? And best of all, hows about a weekly youtube video/podcast concerning Zelda news/leaks/old times and experiences? Do you think we could pull that off? And speaking of Youtube, could we have a dedicated video forum where we can upload the aforementioned videos and start conversations here? And when/if these separate platforms die off, we can evolve with what comes next(please be full dive, please be full dive, please be full dive).
These are the main things that I'm pulling out of my ***. If all else fails, we can become an archive like exploding deku nut, but I truly believe, with a baseline like this, that we can pick ourselves up and stand again for this site that has given so much. I also believe, with the fast approaching NX, we are going to have a LOT to talk about. Breath of the wild? MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks SOOO guud. But, whatever WebmasterBob decides, I'm behind jah 100%. Though, I would like a way to come back here to read all that I missed.

SO! thoughts? I know that was crazy long, but I had about 10 years of nonactivity to get off my chest. sorry.
and PLEASE since I wish to know asap when I receive an answer, send an email to linkandnavi@hotmail.com I know You will do whats best, bob. You have all the Faith I have to give. Just let me know, and I'll be there. ZG, LT_Justin and Linkman, what are your thoughts on my words?
I agree with quite a few points made in your adventure, Link and Navi. I can still sense the "Breath of the Wild" still running through ZS. Allow me to divulge what exactly are the points I agree with...

Social Media: I have seen the Zelda Sages Facebook Page (can be seen by clicking this)... It hasn't been touched in years. I honestly see MUCH potential in using Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Twitch to our advantage. I have some experience in running a Facebook Page (a few months helping run a wrestling Facebook Fan Page), so I could help run the Facebook Page and start continuously posting. As for Twitter, I only run my own YouTube Channel Profile (although I have my own personal one). However, Instagram is something I don't ever use. I used it a few times, but that was a very long time ago. I don't touch that anymore. As for Twitch, I'm more active on Twitch than anything. I have my own Twitch Channel, that I plan on using to do fun livestreams of old school games (NES, SNES, N64, etc.). I'm also a Moderator for a fellow YouTubers: Muyskerm, Dr TwEeKs, and DragnBreth (the last two being actual friends in real life). So, in essence, I have some good Social Media experience that would come in handy with Zelda Sages. But to further explain the Twitch ideas...

Twitch Livestreams: I completely agree with doing those. I have a good computer livestream setup at my house. I would love to do a Zelda Livestream for Zelda Sages. I'll do the Three-Heart Challenge, Twilight Princess's Ganondorf Hard Mode (as I do have the Amiibo for that), and any other ideas. And I think the Podcast idea would be most efficient for us at the moment. In the midst of my absence from ZS, I dabbled in other Zelda websites (Zelda Eternity, Zelda Capital, and Zelda Universe). I actually got the chance to work with Zelda Universe as their Content Writer, Wiki Editor, and Website Developer/Coder. They're a cool bunch, but I did learn more about how they managed to stay afloat. So, I know we can definitely accumulate ideas of how we can help rejuvinate Zelda Sages. We should use Hangout or Skype to bounce ideas off each other.

One of the benefits of working with the Online Website Marketing Company, is that I get to learn more and more about website coding and such. I acutally build out websites using JavaScript Coding and HTML5. If anyone knows the programs, I work with Komodo Edit and Adobe Dreamweaver. Those are the best programs for writing code for websites. I agree that we should get a devoted team of Zelda Sages to stand with our @webmasterbob. Allow me to be one of the first to cast my name in the hat to be possibly chosen to stand with @webmasterbob to become a full-time member of the Devoted Zelda Sages. Just like what @Link and Navi said, I am willing to do whatever it takes to get Zelda Sages back on the map.

On a more personal note, congrats on the new addition to your family, @Link and Navi!! Is it a boy or a girl?? Any names picked out yet?? When is the due date??
YUSSSS! A super candid reply, ZG! I'm glad to see you so pumped! And it goes without saying, I wish to vye for a place among the ZS return squad. I'm sorry I don't know coding, but if you wish me to be a moderator or such, I will gladly accept. So- being that I have no FB,(even though we NEED a dedicated team to oversee our FB goings on) twitch and youtube seem the most prominent to me, and I would love to help with both of those. I saw a few of your lets plays, and I am definitely on board to join you. I think if we have you and me(OR even better) you me and some of the top ZS members talking about the game while you play, it will work out even better. Having another person to bounce topics off of while you are playing can help your flow. And, of course, Id love to shoot the sh*t about zelda stuff with people again, be it on forum or video. And the youtube Sagecast idea? I wish to do something like that every friday. We will need to make an official ZS youtube(which shouldn't be too hard). I also am unsure about how long it should be(as I am unsure if the 15 minute rule is still in effect), but I wish to get together with you guys on a skype chat (or that hangout thingy you said XD); ZG, Linkman, Justin, (possibly Dakare and Windmage) and of course, our Lord and Master, Webmasterbob to talk about these things and see what we can do. I want to be a part of the central Sages to bring us back to light, so hit me up when you can. I know you are out there bob, and I think its kinda cool how you are keeping your silence, but I really need to see your viewpoint. We have GOTTA have you as a part of this. You are the true life of Zelda Sages; our very own Rauru. As I said, you have my eternal respect, and I don't wish to reawaken everyone if you truly wish to be done with ZS. I would really like to know what you think. So, ZG? Thoughts? Would you be cool skyping with me and others to get the details down? And would you be cool with me chillin with you while you do lets plays?

also, as a side note, we should know around the ZS 10 year anniversary if its a boy or girl. We do have the names picked out already. Kennith Dean Nelson for a boy and Kira Bane Nelson for a girl. We expect to have her in February.
Are you kidding?? I welcome the company, @Link and Navi. I wouldn't mind skyping with you and the others to gain details of how we can bring back Zelda Sages. I'm always on Skype, everyday. And I can always attend the Zelda Sages Friday Night Live. I think the 15 minutes is in effect, but I can upload past that, since I've had my channel for a long time (since it started really). And I actually did PM @webmasterbob about the idea. I'm awaiting his response, along with his response to my Article for Zelda Sages. I wrote Zelda Sages a special Article.

And those names are going to be great, no matter the gender. And she's expected in February?? My birthday is in February, as well.
Also, thank you for checking out the YouTube Channel. I have a 3-page list, full of games, that I'm going to be doing Let's Play videos on. And yes, I am covering ALL the Legend of Zelda games. I have a master plan, something that we can definitely talk about in Skype.
Thats Awesome. This sounds perfect. As soon as we can get bob onboard and possibly a few others to see this, let me know and we will set up a skype thingy.
It would be a refreshing moment to chat with others. After a while, I get on my own nerves with commentary. Haha!!
I'm thinking more along the lines of Steam games: Unturned, GMod (Prop Hunt, Cops and Runners, Deathruns, etc), Castle Crashers... Or if we have the same systems (PS3, Xbox One/360), then we can find co-op online games there too.
Exactly!! I have GMod on my computer. I enjoy playing Prop Hunt. I want to do funny Videos with us playing that game. It'll be hilarious. I can just imagine the clues and whatnot we would use.