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Israel vs. Iran

This is certainly not the first instance of tensions between the two nations over Iran's nuclear program, and while Isreal might take some action about this, I'm fairly confident that they will be careful. While many of the citizens of both nations harbor deep hatred for the other nation, the leaders of both nations want to survive, and know what an all out conflict between the two would bring.

This brings up the interesting issue of the continuing nuclear proliferation througout the world, including in nations we view as enemies such as North Korea and potentially Iran in the future. After a handful of nations held a monopoly on these weapons for quite some time, the trend has now shifted, seemingly irreversibly, towards more and more nations gaining them. This certainly was not helped by the invasion of Iraq, which, as some of you might remember, was originally about 'weapons of mass destruction' which turned out to not exist. The message this war essentially broadcast to the rest of the world was that the only way for small nations to protect themselves from being invaded by forces looking for weapons of mass destruction, is to actually have those weapons.

The only long term solution to stopping nuclear proliferation, is to have everyone (including yourself) bombed back into the stone age. We may have to prepare for a day where almost all nations have access to nuclear weapons, where sheer military might is no longer an effective threat, and where actual diplomacy will be required between all nations in order to stave off nuclear war, and considering the tensions today between nations such as Iran and Isreal, that is a scary prospect.
Yeah I saw like a 15 minute video of that on CNNTurk. I think the media here just got it wrong, Iran launched those missiles as a warning and to show that they would do something like that. If they were actually mistaked for real missiles you can bet we'd all be glowing green from nuclear fallout.
Believe me, I'm not quick to defend the US media, but:


Iranian officials claimed the tests Wednesday and Thursday demonstrated a new variant of the Shahab missile that had a range of 1,250 miles. Such a missile would put much of the Middle East in striking distance, including Israel — as close as 650 miles from Iran — as well as Turkey, Pakistan and the Arabian peninsula.