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Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
No discussion of this at all? Really?

Thoughts about the first big movie of the summer?
Its not the first big movie of the year.. Never again will you ever say that without me punching you in the face...

It was good..
Thoughts about the first big movie of the summer?

Its not the first big movie of the year.. Never again will you ever say that without me punching you in the face...

It was good..
The summer, teddy. The summer. (If you say that Iron Man is a summer movie, I will rip out your spleen.)

I thought that it was very good. The plot was kinda predictable though.
It was a pretty good movie.
  • Needed some "In Soviet Russia..." jokes
  • Shia LeBeouf sucks
  • Germans > Soviets; SS + Gestapo > KGB; Han Solo > Indiana Jones ;)
  • That lady was psychotic... TEACH MEEEEE *flames shoot out of eyes*
Should I bother going out to see it?
Yeah, if you've seen the other ones and liked the i would recommend seeing it. If you didn't see the other ones and you dont know whether you're going to like it or no, you might find this a bit cheesy and predictive. Still, it's an interesting movie if there's nothing more interesting out that you'd want to see.