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Legend of ...Lame?

Link and Navi

Ive been hurt by the LOZ manga series... as a manga they are awesome, but as the storyline, well LoL... but thats just me. I also like navi( tho i usually cant hear her, she is more helpful than minda.)
I dunno, I kinda liked the mangas. At least the OoT and MM mangas. Sure, the storylines were a bit off, but the way they personified Link was pretty dang good.
The manga were released in Japan years ago, they've only now begun bringing them over here. The Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask mangas have both been released, don't know about the others though.

I personally like the OoT manga, brings a new life to the characters. My only complaint is their length, they're too short.
I dunno, I kinda liked the mangas. At least the OoT and MM mangas. Sure, the storylines were a bit off, but the way they personified Link was pretty dang good.

Agreed, the mangas give personality to Link and break away from the games' "silent hero" character. they're pretty good, and I like the original stories that they added.

Volvagia's backstory is a great example.