Capt. Zeroth
Don't delete this, its not spam. If you know anything about ciphering, this can be decoded with no other aid than the text in front of you:
Nz php fmkzms csy yxhn dsnnfcs
Hy nxzowp xfvs issm sfnk
If you really can't get it, this website has a lot of good info! With a handy solving tool!
Nz php fmkzms csy yxhn dsnnfcs
Hy nxzowp xfvs issm sfnk
This is a simple substitution cipher. Each letter is randomly paired with its decoded letter.
The letter E statistically is the most common letter in the English language.
The first word (Nz) could be what? Is, It, Or, So, If, etc...
If you really can't get it, this website has a lot of good info! With a handy solving tool!