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Let's write a story


Conspiracy Theorist
Write one paragraph to continue the story. Don't be stupid.

The Doctor trudged on through the dark grey blizzard, the cold, icy air blowing through him as if he wore naught but his own skin. Each stride of his mighty legs he forcibly pushed through the knee-deep snow, longing for a moment of rest as his muscles cried out in agony against every motion he made. Yet he knew he could not stop. "Just a little further," said the rabbit he clasped in his arms, "Just a little further, then you can rest."
The Doctor finally reached it: a small town near the peak of one of the smaller mountains in the region. He continued down the vacant streets towards a building with the rabbit; nobody dared leave their homes during a storm such as this. The rabbit's breathing continued, sporadic and painful, and he knew that there wasn't too much time left for it. "I must hurry, I must reach it! I shall not fail now, not when I have gone so far!"