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majora's mask

what do u think of majoras mask do u like it or do u hate it

for me i love majoras mask its proberlly my favorate game but people dont seem to like it much

i think it gives me the creeps at some pointsd especially ikana kanyon

so what do u guys think???
Majora's Mask...hmmm..

That game is awesome :)
I love it because its just so....
well, dark.
The dark theme, all the events, actually make it a very sad game. Its alot different from other LoZ games in my opinion, and that makes it wonderful. I've never gotten to play it through it all the way :(
I've just went through some of the 'missions' on my cousin's file...lol
I've never gotten past the snow temple....dont know why, just never made it...
Awesome game!!! It is definately my favorite Zelda game. It is different from other Zelda games in that the bulk is in sidequests, which is an awesome concept.
MM is my favorite because of all the masks you get to wear and all the different abilities they give you. Masks combined with dark themes, different endings, and multiple side quests... totally awsome!
the thing about majora's mask was, it many intriguing sub-plots, many really interesting characters; just take a look at the Bomber's notebook. They actually managed to give most of the characters interesting backgrounds, unique personalities. I think they focused on that more in MM than any of the other games, even TP; there just weren't as many outstatnding characters. Granted, there were a lot of outstanding characters, but there could have been so many more. And TP didn't have any side-quests like the Anju-Kafei quest. That was a very satisfying quest, much more satisfying than, say, delivering hot spring water to lazy Gorons so they can fix bridges...

Still difficult to say whether or not MM was better than TP, though. The whole game was pretty short.
Very awesome game, but yeah very short. But the bulk of all the Side Quests actually made th game longer. I think the developers actually tried to put a lot of the games length into the side quests of getting the masks.