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Make Your Own Power

The ability to grow to humongous sizes, but stay the same Weight (you would be like Taffy (and as Mayor Adam West would say, "I love this job more than I love Taffy; and I LOVE Taffy (Family Guy))).
The ability to win minesweeper in one move. Or the ability to get the Sword of a Thousand Truths in WoW (hehe South Park).
Hmmm... lets think of a superhero with no apparent super powers. Yeah, make him a merman, and have control over a trickle of water ... and call him Aquaman!

But anyway, a useless power ... the ability for polar bears to have Coke!

Edit: Zeroth, I don't care about it, but pleaz, no cussin.


Lol I loved that episode :D

How about... The ability to make someone throw up at the cost of making yourself throw up

Ya, I'm bad at this :)
The ability to make local currency (completely legit) rain down from the sky. At once it starts it doesn't stop for at least an hour. Sure it seems awsome, but when you single-handedly hyperinflate the dollar, they'll probably lynch you. And you would be arrested for killing somebody by raining pennies ot terminal velocity on their head.
I am...


[EDIT] I posted this yesterday and no one has posted in it yet.
Really bad powers animal, not good ones. though I do see that you don't get any enjoyment out of a game if you beat it super-quickly.....hmmmmmmmmm, ah well...

The power to lose every boardgame game that you play, only 5 seconds into each game!
That's Mario, cuz he's a plumber.....The ability to wield the almighty power of electricity, but you need a socket and to be covered in power nullifying plastic, otherwise you spontaneously combust! So in reality, you have no powers, and you're trapped in a plastic bubble suit.:D
If I could make a power of my own, this is what I'd make:

- A power to control any thing dealing with ice. Like snow, hail, sleet... ice in general. It would be cool, if it was raining, then suddenly, making it snow, even if it is abnormal in a place where you wouldn't expect snow at all. Or like, you can control it telepathically, making it hail over a certain area or some thing. But from considering from my username, I would absolutly love to what that kind of power. Ahah.

- A telepathic power to read other peoples minds, hearts and souls. Wouldn't that be a cool power to have? That way, you can see what a certain person is thinking about if your curious or just want to know what they're really thinking about, reading their hearts to see what their feelings are really like, and reading their souls to see how damaged it is and be able to look upon what has happened to them. Because, souls and hearts can tell a lot about a person, ya know.

I probably I could think of more, but I can't think right now.
The ability to break any peice of technology you come across at a touch would be rather odd... I think I already have it...

you know my mom would say that i would also be one to have that power considering that she used to say that i have holes in my hands.
The power to shatter anything, nomatter what it is, just by looking at it.


"Hi Mom!" "Hi Hone----" *Mom falls into a billion tiny, bloody shards of human*

"Wow! I just finished my 100 page essay on how much I despise AAL class! I didn't need to save after all!!!:D *looks at paper, which shreds itsef automatically* :eek: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"
OH...Crappy power........ the ability to sense when a stove bell with in a hundred miles rings and not know where the food is........no csn;t find the food ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and as to one i already have I HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM MOWING THE LAWN!!!! Due to my constant breaking of lawn mowers

The power to shatter anything, nomatter what it is, just by looking at it.


"Hi Mom!" "Hi Hone----" *Mom falls into a billion tiny, bloody shards of human*

"Wow! I just finished my 100 page essay on how much I despise AAL class! I didn't need to save after all!!!:D *looks at paper, which shreds itsef automatically* :eek: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!"


*says in dark, deep voice* OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.

The ability to summon any evil thing from videogames, just by thinking about it. Warning: Destruction of the World will occur if this power is activated!