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Media Moderator


Hello all, I have resigned from my job. I was supposed to have my job done by a certain date, my grandpa has just died so I wont get it done. I am resigning.
Hey, sorry man. My grandfather died.. exactly one year ago. It can only get better, though. Except for when both of your cats die, your two brother get into three accidents, your cousin...well nevermind, 2006 sucked for me but what I'm saying is I'm really sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about the death of your grandfather... I know how you must feel, for I have lost mine too, soon to be the other one. I may not know you so well, but sorry to hear about every thing. Hope you can still be an active member though, since your resigning. May light shine upon your darkest hour. =]
I am sorry to hear that ... your a good moderator. Sorry about your Grandpa ... one of mine died when I was only a few years old.
I'm very sorry to hear about all this. Despite this, I am happy you have come to yourself to see the job was a bit overdoing for your curent situation, and for that, I would always welcome you back to the staff if a possition is open :).

You were a wonderful moderator and great comunicater *work was not your thing, but, meh :D*.
Just Wondering, Bob. Who is gonna take over the job? Justin? Tate? Or are you gonna make a new Staff member for it?

If it is the latter, I will volunteer.
The workload will probably be spread around the existing staff. The current number of staff is at a goodly number for now.
I don't know much about you since I just joined, but by the looks of what other people have posted, you were a great moderator. Sorry for your loss. My Grandma died when I was 9, so quite a few years ago. It is always hard to lose a loved one. I wish you well in the future.