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Review Metroid Zero Mission


Personally, I'm suprised that this game has not been reviewed yet on this site for it is a very good game.

Story: You are Samus Aran, recalling her very first mission on planet SR388. Space Pirates have recently taken over the planet, and it is your job to go and exterminate their leader, Mother Brain in order to save the universe. That's the story. But wait. What's this? As you escape you get shot down by the Space Pirates and have to infiltrate their base unarmed as Zero Suit Samus? I don't remember this being in the original? What you say there are new stuff added? Oh joy!

Gameplay: Yes as I said above, there are many new things added to the game. The gameplay is still very faithful to the original Metroid in terms of maps, but items from the other Metroid games have been added too. Examples are the Gravity Suit, Super Missles, Speed Boost, and a new one, the Power Grip. The pace of the game fits it perfectly, because at first, you will feel weak, especially on the hard difficulty. Yet as you gain your powers, you will feel significantly stronger. Until you get shot down. Then you really begin to feel nervous. My only gripe is all the backtracking you have to do, and how difficult it is to get to another place quickly. Other than that, I really loved this game. 9/10

Audio: The audio is very good for a GBA game. The music is very suitable for each area, and is very well composed. The sound effects from the Power Beam to the Speed Booster is very well done too. Even the sound effects of the enemies dying or Ridley getting a super missle in the face is very nice to hear. 9/10

Graphics: The graphics are GBA graphics, so don't expect anything fancy. Yet do expect some good graphics nonetheless. Each area is very well detailed, and each enemy is detailed as well. Samus is very detailed, and once you get your fully upgraded suit, you can see the green circles on his shoulders pulse with light. 9/10

Extras: The extras in this game are nice to have. But the best, is the fact that you can unlock the ORIGINAL METROID GAME! Yes you read correctly. You can unlock the original Metroid game on the GBA, and play it. Just like Metroid Fusion, it has the unlockable pictures of Samus depending on how quickly you beat the game, or how many tanks you collect. It also includes an easy and a hard mode, and believe me, the hard mode is VERY hard. 10/10

Overall: This game is a buy in my opinion, even though it is about 3 years old. Still it is a very fun game to play, and I highly reccomend you buy it. The replay value is very good, as trying to beat it on hard mode is a very satisfying feeling. I highly reccomend that you buy this game. 10/10

Played through about 16 times, I was only able to unlock the 2nd best ending image though, I just could not get through in the 3 hours or so they give you with 100% completion on hard mode. Of course, I lost the game on a trip to Vermont two years ago. So, some little kid probably had a field day when he found it in the drawer inside the hotel room...but it was fun. In my opinion, it's the best game out for the GBA to date.
Zero Mission was awesome! As a matter of fact, it's the GBA game that has occupied the GBA slot in my DS since the launch :D.

Nice review Zerg!