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Multi-platform/ old console forum


Deus Ex Machina
Why don't we have a forum for multi- platform games, along with a forum for older systems that aren't form Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft? You could make it a misc. games forum.
I tried to suggest that to Bob, but he wouldn't let me do it. I sure wish he would listen to me... And, not be persuaded by others' actions and whatnot...

But, nonetheless, that would be a great idea...
Or that Music/TV/ect. could just be called "Other Entertainment"

I like that idea, but I'd say just discuss in chat. That area is really for non-computer related entertainment.

As for multiplatform games, as always, you can choose to discuss them in chat or any designated company area in which that games resides on a platform with. It's been that way basically since ZS has opened, and has worked on top of that ;).