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New Wii Zelda concept art!


So. Odd girl standing back to back with Link...discuss. :p

That looks a lot like the fairy in TWW...
Does anyone else think that focusing on the sword woman causes us to stop looking for other clues in the picture. For example:

  • It looks like they are standing in the opening of a broken wall.
  • It looks as if an explosion or wall of fire is coming towards them, and Link is shielding the sword woman.
  • The title text is normally either red or gold. Where did the silver/steel color come from?
We don't really know just yet; Nintendo has yet to even really announce any specifics for the game beyond this concept art.
I wouldn't exactly say that. I really hope they release some information soon because I'm honestly not all that excited about Spirit Tracks.
I wouldn't exactly say that. I really hope they release some information soon because I'm honestly not all that excited about Spirit Tracks.

Ugh, me either. Soon they'll start putting guns and stuff in Zelda games. I would turn my back on Nintendo if they continued to modernize Zelda too much.
Okay, sorry for not coming back to this in a while. First off, yoyoIII, if Nintendo is "pathetic" as you say, why are you on a forum that primarily supports a Nintendo franchise? Just saying.

Secondly, Miyamoto has said that they are hard at work on this game and he said that it should be ready by 2010. He also said that he wanted the team focused on the game, not making a trailer for it. Either way, I doubt that it'll actually be out before winter 2010 since Nintendo is the king of delays, especially when it comes to Zelda games. :(