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No tatl!

Link and Navi

Ok, I know it is an old game, but I JUST figured out how to play without Tatl in Majora's Mask! You need a gameshark, or to play on an emulator though. Turn on the 'press L to levitate' and after you are turned into a Deku Scrub by the Skull Kid, open the door as tatl asks you, but then Levitate to the next door without toucing the ground. Tatl will have stayed behind and you are free(except for SOME cut-scenes, oh, and fyi, I just woke up, so sorry for any spelling errors:þ) Ta dah!
I have no idea what you're talking about because I don't know anything about Zelda. I am on this website for reasons unknown. But I would like to say that the LotR thing in your signature really entertained me.
Well I'm glad that someone else agrees with me. And that I might also not be the only person on here who had little knowledge of anything zelda-related.
Yes, but this is about Majora's mask, and the fact that you can play through the game without the fairy. And thank you for the comment, I was hoping someone would say something about my awesome Sig. :þ
Tatl didn't talk nearly as much as Navi did. And she was way cooler. Which is why I don't understand why one would want to get ride of her, unless it effected gameplay since she is technically what you use to lock on to something.