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Official "I Hate Navi" Club


Deus Ex Machina
This is a thread for anyone who dispises Navi with a firey passion. Just post here and you'll be part of the club. Discuse annoyances and stories of why you hate Navi!

I was just playing OoT and I wnet into the lost woods. Navi decided to start saying "Hey" a lot and it was really annoying because everything in the lost woods echoes!
no one hate Navi more then me how dare she constantly mock me aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I hate her becuse she always wants your attention. IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUNCH A BABY! Can you believe that?! A BABY!!!
hahaha, I also hate Navi, in ocarina of time she never shuts up, shes always saying stupid things like "I think we should check out the bottom of Hyrule lake with the iron boots." Whenever I try to look around with the c-up she says that. Well she used to before I beat the water temple.
Once again, the ending of OoT that wasn't shown...

I didn't really mind Navi except when she kept telling me to go to where I'm supposed to be when I was trying to do something else like get a piece of heart or something. Navi isn't too annoying.
She's not TOO annoying, but she is annoying. And admit it. Once you killed Ganon, a little voice inside your head began to ask how many times you heard her say "Hey!" or "Listen!" during your gametime.

Hmm...maybe I'll start up a new Zelda OoT file and record how many times she says "Hey!" during the game
I also have a stron hate for Navi the fairy of annoyance. I always laugh when she bangs her head on the fence as she's flying towards you at the beginning of the game. And I always get very happy when Ganondorf's power forces Navi to go away for the battle, because I know I don't have to listen to her say HEY! everytime I lock-on the Ganondorf.