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Official Riddle Thread!

heh... it's already been marked for deletion, and that means...
nice try, but no

just no
Claiming victory where none exists is not the honorable way, slyguy. As a result, your post has been changed accordingly.
OK, I admit, I asked for the answer.

OK, heres a riddle,

How do you make the number seven an even number without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
Hmmmmmm..............ohhh I have a good one....... ok, so...

You walk up to a mountain that has two paths. One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever. Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask them only one question. Except! One lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. So, What do you ask?
Hmmmmmm..............ohhh I have a good one....... ok, so...

You walk up to a mountain that has two paths. One leads to the other side of the mountain, and the other will get you lost forever. Two twins know the path that leads to the other side. You can ask them only one question. Except! One lies and one tells the truth, and you don't know which is which. So, What do you ask?
Isn't it supposed to be that the one that tells the truth is the one with the path you wan't. If so, the question is "which path is your path."

Now back to my riddle, please.
You ask: "What way do you want to tell me to go?" That way, the liar answers the opposite of the wrong way, the correct path. The honest one answers the correct way. Ta-Da! That was a good one. It took some thinking.
what if the liar wanted you to go the right way, and the honest guy wanted you to get lost? Just because someoneis a liar or is honest, doesn't mean that they like or hate you, it just depends on the person:p
or just avoid the entire discussion with
"Which path would say if I asked you which path lead to the mountain?"
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.....................here's one: What is George Bush's view of the "chicken that crossed the road"? ;)
nope, I said his view. His view is that he doesn't even care why it crossed the road. He only cares if it's a terrorist, or if it's working for us, for the illusions of liberty, anyways, this riddle bites........anyone have a good riddle?!?!?!?
I don't know the answer to that one but how about this: How can you divide 12 in half to get 7? This one's pretty easy.
There is a common English word that is nine letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word - from nine letters right down to a single letter. What is the original word, and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?

Also, you do not have to remove the letters in any order, but the letters stay in the order that they were originally.