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Official Riddle Thread!


when did it get all merged?

its kind of hard to figure out which answers go to which riddle goes with which lol.l ha ha ha....
wahh this is confusing!!!! :)'))

how are my answers wrongs!?!?! this is an outrage!!!

Houston, Texas.... hmmm heat
#1 animal, we're r almost allll older than u. I even think ur the youngest on the site...

#2, is the answer noise?
Wow the riddles really died when we merged these threads... I think ill get it going again. :D

What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries.
you're both wrong.... keep guessing ill answer in a few days. Or maybe when the site opens. BTW when is that gonna happen?
This Should be its own thread category. It could really be a great section. Make it happen webmasterbob, or i will be sad._( :)'))