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Link and Navi

Answer to the age-old question: Link vs. an Arwing #1

This is awesome. Some guys were messing around with Gameshark codes and they found one that let you change one of the characters in the Kokiri villiage to any object in the game. People started messing around with the values to see what they could find and, wouldn't you know it, there's an Arwing in the game. It even flies around, attacks, and is destroyable. It's amazing that after so long people are still finding hidden stuff in games like this.

Video: http://rapidshare.de/files/5852781/z...arfox.zip.html
now thats funny!
:D Thats excellent! I wonder if Nintendo planned on using it, or letting some one find it out. Why would they have an Arwing?
no, (nameless) Used a gameshark code for kokori forest and used a code on one of the kids(not telling) and turned him into:
ganon, a rock, a guitar, a tooth brush, mario, a mushroom, an arwing, and also a bunnie!
Hmm, Nintendo has weird sense of humor. Or maybe those games use the same physics engine (or something) to start off with and never delete some stuff from the library?
The old 64 cartridge has a lot of good stuff in it locked away, including the wind and ice medallions. The Arwing is a remnant from the never-completed cameo dungeon. Same for Mario. I'm not quite sure what Nintendo was thinking when they added a toothbrush though...
Hmm...I've seen some screen shots of the medalions equiped as C-items. I'm not sure if that was a bit of coding exploited or an early screenshot though....

It would have been nice if the Wind and Ice temples had been included... Maybe at one point the Ice Cavern was going to be much bigger...
That's pretty sweet. What is they found something from Halo in there? They'd get sued soooooooo bad!!!
no since they made it first they could sue I still think that arwing was the villige's air force but with out a poilt like me self was helpless agianst ganondof
I found a video at Game Trailers, it's on my forum "An Old Glitch Some Might Not Know", but it might have gotten deleted due to double posting. Check it out!!!

EDIT: I now know it hasn't been deleted. Check it out! :)