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Deus Ex Machina
So basically the past couple of days my ear has been feeling... off. Not hurting, just off. Then yesterday (Friday), it started hurting. Last night it hurt so much I could not sleep, and had to be vocal about the pain (I'm normally a wince guy, I don't really say ow, and I don't moan or anything). Went to the ER to find out that my ear was really really infected, and that the ear drum had ruptured. Not fun. Moral of the story, if your ear feels strange, go to a freakin doctor before the ear drum ruptures. It hurts like nothing else.
yeah I hear that. I got holes in both my ear drums. Can't get water in them and if I get a cold or sinus infection, then usually the ears get infected as well. Nothing funny about an ear infection.
Oh, wow, I guess I don't have too much to complain about then. That would suck if my ears got infected everytime I got a cold...
yeah I think it's more when I blow the nose, the canals are connected, and well, Im sure you can figure out what happens to cause it. Though it has been about 2 years since I had one, maybe it's time to patch em up.
Yeah, it really does. I wouldn't have minded as much if it weren't for the fact that it happened right before final's week.
Well, good news. I think it's healed for the most part. I'm slowly getting my hearing back in my right ear, it doesn't hurt anymore, and there's no discharge. Yay for modern medicine!