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Ownage of Sephiroth in KH2


Hope Never Dies
This is a movie, with the cutscene before the battle, then the guy freakin OWNS SEPHIROTH! Because the battle is so quick, it includes the cloud-sephiroth battle cutscene after the battle, so there are spoilers... HOLY CRAP, HE FREAKING OWNS SEPHIROTH, I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!

Whoa. That was less than a minute. That is a lot of use of Trinity Limit. That. IS. AWESOME!
Yes, that was excessive. But at whatever level that guy is, he/she probably just played the game for that, not to enjoy the game. So I think that it would be better to have fun rather than play a game just for beating a secret boss.
Yeah...but it's still funny to watch. If they didn't have fun, then they played for no reason...and that's not cool. KH2 is a good game and should be respected, but nonetheless. THAT was funny how Sephiroth only could hit him 2 or 3 times.