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Somewhat Controversial Palin Resigns!

teh hippie

Palin is resigning from her position of governer of Alaska at the end of July! Apparently she has a higher calling to answer, and made a really stupid speech about basketball and how she has to "pass the political ball" onto Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell. as far as i can see, she quit because of the stress of people insulting her child with downs syndrome, and the 15 ethics probes she's been torn apart by. moron.
Although I agree with your reasoning behind why she quit calling, her a moron is completely out of line. She's different, she lived and grew up in Alaska, a state surrounded by Russians and Canadians :D. Why people continue to make such a big deal about her mannerisms is completely observed. Us making these connections to he is no different than Osama Bin Laden using every American president over the past 40 years as grounds to commit mass murder.
From what I have been hearing, there are many reasons why she is resigning but here are the three main ones that I heard. She does have a child with downs and it makes sense to stop being a governor and take care of her child. The two other reasons I heard have to do with becoming a higher political official. She quit so she can start campaigning for the 2012 election or she is going to run for the opening senator position opening in Alaska.