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Phantom Hourglass Fog Help


Hey, I feel like an idiot for not being able to figure this out, so don't mock me...

After the first dungeon when you follow the ghost ship into the northern fog you find yourself unable to navigate the fog. I was told to go to a nearby island to find the answer. So I did and ended up getting the shovel. However, I can't find where this guy's "second hideout" is. My guess is this hideout contains the answer to the fog puzzle...although I can't find the darn thing!

Go to the first palm tree outside the cave where you obtained the shovel (on the path up to the house) and dig in front of that tree. You will fall down a hole into the second area. Be sure to copy down the path to get through the fog exactly as shown, I already made that mistake :D.

Also, you'll see a large door with the sun symbol. You can not enter it at the present, although be sure to remember its location for later.
Hey it worked! Well, of course it worked, but thanks Bob! Well, now I'm off to the second temple, yay! I just hope I don't need to figure out how to use the shovel on the boss of this temple, that would be fun.:rolleyes:
Hey it worked! Well, of course it worked, but thanks Bob! Well, now I'm off to the second temple, yay! I just hope I don't need to figure out how to use the shovel on the boss of this temple, that would be fun.:rolleyes:
Don't worry, you won't. xD