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Picture Wars 2.0


Ian Anderson pwns both with his uber wand (flute).

Why can't I make my pictures bigger?
Basketball and sports

PS. Read the first line of text and then continue in a seamless sentence to the pictured text. You will get more pleasure.

On a relative note. Sports can't beat any picture. At all. Go away.
Well since Teddy had to go and epic win the thread, with something so amazing that nothing could ever beat it... Believe me, I know...

Here's a fresh start...
I'm sorry Miss Ides. You lose now. So does all other picture. PREPARE YOURSELF H2O FILLED SACUOLES OF EPIDERMIS!!!!
You kinda forgot someone there.

As for the hampsters

Horray for Orange-kun

I kinda miss Table-kun and Cheese-kun too.

Even more animals. See if you can find all the pigs in the picture.

Why can't I make my pictures bigger?

Ebol is the king of diseases. And when combined with a stuffed animal. YOU GET PLUSH EBOLA!!!
This is getting kind of funny cause I know someone who has the Ebola Virus Plushie, and I have a Mad Cow Disease Plushie somewhere around here.
