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Rat-Brain Robot

"A robot controlled by a blob of rat brain cells could provide insights into diseases such as Alzheimer's, University of Reading scientists say.
The project marries 300,000 rat neurons to a robot that navigates via sonar."


While the purpose of this experiment is to attempt to study memory, and the conditions which can cause it to degenerate, the implications of succsesfully using biological neurons to control a robot body raises questions on how far and how fast this field will continue to advance. I'm personally looking forward to seeing what advancements this brings.
animal cruelty

Not really:

"The blob of nerves forming the brain of the robot was taken from the neural cortex in a rat foetus and then treated to dissolve the connections between individual neurons."

The neurons used by this robot were grown in a lab. The cluster used in the robot is very different from a mature rat brain.
The neurons are now being taught to steer the robot around obstacles and avoid the walls of the small pen in which it is kept.
At first I thought that the neurons were just being used as some form of a biological processor, but they are actually learning to move and explore the environment
The brain cells have been taught how to control the robot's movements so it can steer round obstacles and the next step, say its creators, is to get it to recognise its surroundings

Its pretty crazy