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Whats up ppl...who heres favorite zelda game of all time is orcarina of time??? if it is ur favorite cuz it is mine then tell me why and if u beat it.
Of course Ocarina of Time is my favorite. It features the first 3-D animation for the Zelda Series. Also, my b/f, ZeldaGuardian, loves the game.
It's a good game, and I like it, but it is over-rated in my opinion. Although it does hold a place in my heart as the first Zelda game I ever played.
Ocarina of Time was good, but the Master Quest was better, though not too much more of a challenge. I beat the Master Quest with like 5 game overs.

In terms of the 3-D Zelda games, Twilight Princess is my favorite with Ocarina of Time close behind, but in overall terms, Twilight Princess and A Link to the Past are about equal.