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reason for your name


Deus Ex Machina
I was just wondering where everyone got the idea for their own display name as well as any other names that you might have.

I have a couple:

  • Dakare: My Starwars name that I made up several years ago for Jedi Academy
  • Mataru: My Zelda/ other fantasy name
So what about you guys?

  • Sly - A tribute to Sly Cooper, but more importantly, my need for stealth
  • Guy - Nuf Said
  • 46 - A somewhat random number, but also, the number of names I used before hand, 4, + 42, the answer to life, the universe and everything.
  • Play on the Words Sly, as in Slyguy46, and shruiken, the throwing stars used by Ninja's
  • Merging of Yofun and Kyuui, two words meaning Peace and Rage.
Thats pretty much it.

Back in grade school one of the (video) games my friends and I created was called Gobo's Island. Sort of a combo of Kirby and Zelda, sort of. I use the name for a lot of other things, I just keep adding numbers. This one is 11 because its the first, theres also goboman22, goboman33, goboman44 got canceled/destroyed/deleted, goboman55, goboman66, and hopefully soon a goboman77.
Ultima: It sounds cool, and it's from Final Fantasy

Link: Legend of Zelda/favorite character in SSBM

007: James Bond pwns

Shippuu: I like japanese :p
I've had many names... But, I'm willing to share with you the ones I have:

1. General Valmar
a. General - I am the General of my group
b. Valmar - My middle name

2. Valmar Sage of Time
a. Valmar - My middle name
b. Sage - It's what I started learning (spells and all... It's true)
c. of - Because it needed to be in there
d. Time - I have proclaimed myself to be the one older than time

3. The Great Sage, Valmar
a. The - Seems right
b. Great - I'm great...
c. Sage - It's what I started learning (and still do to this day)
d. Valmar - My middle name

4. ZeldaGuardian
a. Zelda - The Series of Zelda Games
b. Guardian - I protect the knowledge and power from those who wish to use it against the world...

5. Video Game Pianist
a. Video - Watch Videos
b. Game - Play Games
c. Pianist - I'm a great pianist that plays a series of Zelda and Mario Music

6. Scopes
a. Scopes - I can hit a target from about 2 miles away with a Rifle w/ a scope...

7. "The Guardian Sage" Cooper
a. The - I needed to be there
b. Guardian - I guard the Thieveous Raccoonus
c. Sage - It's what I am
d. Cooper - Sly's last name

The reason why they call me the "The Guardian Sage" Cooper, is because I can actually mimic Sly's moves that he does on the game with actual life-styles... I mean, I actually forged a cane to actually feel and look like the Heirloom of the Cooper Family, and I wrote the Thieveous Raccoonus, almost precisely, like it was in the game... Enough said
I am a teddy comes from my odd teddy bears need... I find it depressing to go on long car trips without Mr. Bear so... I'm also huggable and soft!
Uhh...my name? I used to be good with yoyos. But it was taken, so I made myself yoyo the third (but with l's not i's or 1's).

Hey ZG, got enough names?
6. Scopes
a. Scopes - I can hit a target from about 2 miles away with a Rifle w/ a scope...

Uh, the farthest range with a rifel is about a mile and a half, and that's with a special .50 caliber bullet that I believe is only availible to the military.
Hey, each name has a story behind it... All are very true... If you want to know more, then ask... I'm all ears... and no, not enough names. I just can't remember the rest of them...
i'm not in yourguys arguement, this forum isn't for that. and i like dakare and zeldaguardian both so whatever

back 2 topic

krimson: because it was given to me on starcraft a while back
05: because that is my favorite #. (not 5, 05)

i dunno y. i guess that makes me weird
about 4 or 5 years ago i had to choose a username for online age of mythology and i chose a really random name. Actually it was originally animalduder but when i realized animaldude was available i switched it and ive used that name for everything on the internet.
Hrm...lets see

Windmage- when I joined, my alltime favorite character from the LoZ series was Vaati. *he still is...lol* and I believe Vaati is refered to as the Wind Mage.... or maybe I made that up, I can't remember O.O *someone help me on this xD*

Kaz-In alot of Role Playing i've done, I've always named my character Kaz...idk why, i just like that name. thats also the name I use on my pokemon games. the a is prounounced like the a sound in apple. it might be short for Kazuma, but i dont think so...
Kaz is also the name of a character in a story i've been working on forever...he's one of twelve children xD so i guess i could work that in? Nah, its an original story line, i dont want Nintendo after me xD

Vashkida- have i mentioned this name somewhere? i cant remember if i included it in my bio or not....hes an enemy of kaz's, borowed from the villain's name in the story i mentioned. no special meaning, just made it up one day during class...

Mayu- i like this name ^^
one of the minor characters in fruits basket has this name *i think* so i used it...if not i made it up...
i luv xxxelda, the x is so kute!!1! lololz. also, i like calling 1800 #s, like to by stuff by fone and sumtymes layt at nite it keeps me company
Random name....

Meaning "no way out" or "No solution" I'm a complex person.

Orange hat Kid
Earned at Camp...Nuff' Said

I don't have a nickname earned for my prowess with a firearm (and I don't intend to make one up either. But rest assured, I'm a pretty good shot. NRA Regulation targets with a Mossberg 100 Target rifle..My pattern was less than Half an inch.
Most of my names are two-syllable long-long combinations that were names from obscure sources that my mind recombined in new ways, or just fun Anglican gutterals.

Versac - corruption of Verasc, name of a sword in... something. I forgot the original context years ago

Dashlar - fun to say, though of it after I misread a name in Eldest (not that it had anything to do with Eldest, that's just when I thought of it)

Grummug - altered form of Grummush, added the -ug suffix because it sounds Goron
Guardian of Ice~

I've always had this username for... around three years or so. This username was based off of my old roleplaying site which dealt with Guardians over elements. Since my favorite element is Ice... I chose the username Guardian of Ice for forum based sites such as ZS. For I is the Guardian of the Ice Elemental. >=]


I've had this name ever since 6th grade year. I've had this name for a reason... my VERY first roleplay character who's still around, was at first named Shadow until this year when she got her real first name, Aseana. Anywho... She was... I quote "The best character" to be created. I got that compliment from my friends that I roleplayed with. She was every one's favorite and she's still around to this day... And since I have another character named Shadow, she takes on after my name which I've believed to be my middle name. And back when I was a member of Deviant Art, my username was ShadowKeaton but every one called me Shadow for short.

The Great Sage's Apprentice, Shadow~

Shadow, you all ready know of... as for the first part of this nickname... I am the Apprentice of The Great Sage, Valmar.

I do have more, but I can't remember them at the moment.
tinyslam90- well idk i was young and trying to pick a cool hip AIM name and tinyslam just poped into my head and the 90 because of my year of birth