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hey guys..i just wanted to know if any of u guys played rs because i want to just know who plays it because i know it
I agree with windmage. Runescape is not a very good game. I likedinto it. You should try different games like LOTR online or something like that.
My first post ever on this website was on April 24, 2005. I made on thread entitled "Runescape" and then I didn't post again until February or January 2006. Teddy had made me join even though I wasn't interested (I think that's how it goes)... and then I decided to check back in the beggining of 2006... no one was really on so it was just me and sample. and I guess bob lol... gradually people started to come back a little. Then I think i left for a few months... and then I decided to start again in summer of 06 and the rest is history...

There's my history lesson for the day.
Wait no... the trivia involves world history!SO BE THERE