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It's not good, that's for sure. Especially with all the fighting already taking place in the Middle East/Asia. Of course, with that being mentioned, I think Bush is being a tad hypocritical in telling Russia to back off when we have troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I'm surprised that i have not seen a thread on this issue. maybe i missed it but it is a major current event and i'm sure many of you have a say on it. So President Bush has warned Russia to pull back in Georgia. What do you think? WWIII? Discuss.
I was thinking about making one but i figured we'd just find some way to argue about it.

My hatred for Russia has gone up in the past few days.
There are some mixed reports and both sides seem to contradict each other, but it looks to me like Georgia made the first move. They attacked a disputed territory between Russia and Georgia which caused the Russians to counterattack on Georgia. Now I'm not saying they did the right thing by digging into the country and killing thousands of Georgians, but they were kind of asking for it.


And yes, Bush is very hypocritical in criticizing Russia's move.
This is an escalation of long running territory disputes between Russia and Georgia. The current information seems to be that Georgia moved it's troops into one of these disputed areas, Russia drove them out, and then proceeded to move into the other disputed areas along with several non disputed areas.

One seemingly plausible explanation for them taking the non disputed areas may be that they plan to withdraw from them in a peace agreement while keeping the disputed territories. Making this concession could possibly satisfy parts of the international community.

The sad thing is that currently the U.S. can't do much about this situation. Apart from the empty saber rattling from McCain, we can't take any real military action. Even if we're not pathetically dependent on Russia's oil, our military has been run ragged by the debacle in Iraq, and we don't have the man power to deploy a meaningful force.
This is an escalation of long running territory disputes between Russia and Georgia. The current information seems to be that Georgia moved it's troops into one of these disputed areas, Russia drove them out, and then proceeded to move into the other disputed areas along with several non disputed areas.

One seemingly plausible explanation for them taking the non disputed areas may be that they plan to withdraw from them in a peace agreement while keeping the disputed territories. Making this concession could possibly satisfy parts of the international community.

The sad thing is that currently the U.S. can't do much about this situation. Apart from the empty saber rattling from McCain, we can't take any real military action. Even if we're not pathetically dependent on Russia's oil, our military has been run ragged by the debacle in Iraq, and we don't have the man power to deploy a meaningful force.
That's an interesting point you brought up. Do you really think the US should get in this mess in the first place? I mean they've obviously taken Georgia's side (which may have already been a big mistake) but if they get any deeper don't you think it would look a little familiar to what happened in the middle east?

Let's not repeat mistakes, I think the United States should stay out of this one. Completely.
Militarily we should stay out of this situation, but I do think we can and should apply what little political pressure we can still muster into helping to create a peaceful solution to the conflict. We can't accomplish anything with empty threats that the rest of the world know are nothing but bluster, but if we can move past the 'cowboy politics' of the past eight years, and stand with the rest of the international community in using political pressure, we may be able to have a meaningful impact in how this is resolved.
I definately definately think Bush and McCain should've kept their comments to themselves about Georgia and Russia, they're only making more enemies.

I heard on the news today that there was a ceasefire agreement.
Militarily we should stay out of this situation, but I do think we can and should apply what little political pressure we can still muster into helping to create a peaceful solution to the conflict. We can't accomplish anything with empty threats that the rest of the world know are nothing but bluster, but if we can move past the 'cowboy politics' of the past eight years, and stand with the rest of the international community in using political pressure, we may be able to have a meaningful impact in how this is resolved.
Oddly enough, i somewhat agree with that.