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Scariest Game Ever


Conspiracy Theorist
I'm looking for a survival/horror or a point and click type game that will make me cower in fear in front of the computer screen. I've played plenty of horror games but they disappoint.

First of all, the Resident Evil games aren't scary at all. The first ones are made like more of an adventure game while the rest of them are shooters.

I've heard a lot about the Silent Hill series and a general consensus on Silent Hill 3 being the best and the scariest out of all of them, so I tried it. It was stupid. There were big brown things walking around shaking their heads. Not scary.

F.E.A.R. was probably the scariest one I've played so far. It's a shooter but the flashbacks and eerie random occurrences made it an excellent horror game. It wasn't nearly as scary as I wanted but it was scary.

I tried the Call of Cthulhu game. It was a step up from Silent Hill 3 but too cartoonish to be scary.

So, I want your opinions. What do you think is the scariest game ever?
Scariest I ever played was Doom 3. By itself, not scary. When you make the whole room dark, at night, with nobody else in the house, with the volume turned up? Scary as hell.

But as for actually horror games, I hear Silent Hill (specifically SH2) is scary. Also Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube. And then there's the Fatal Frame games, but those are hard to find outside of Japan *cough*Fatal Frame IV fiasco*cough*.
I've been meaning to try Doom 3, it looks like a good game just not scary.

Silent Hill 2 is quite dated and has terrible graphics, which I wouldn't mind in any other kind of game, but the horror effect is ruined when you see 3 stacked polygons floating towards you playing a MIDI file.

Eternal Darkness I've heard is scary too but it's hard to find Gamecube games nowadays.

I was looking at the Clock Tower and Alone in the Dark series. Especially Clock Tower looks like a good survival horror.
I made a post of the Something Awful forums for you. They're usually pretty good about recommending games.

[edit] 1,000th post woot!
Hmm...I don't think the Something Awful users got what I was looking for. I'm not looking for gory visuals or monsters popping out of everywhere, I prefer the games that make your gut churn as you walk down a creepy hallway or find yourself in a helpless scenario confused and disoriented.

And Penumbra is a great game, it will make your heart race with suspense with all those giant spiders chasing you, but it's not exactly scary.

And on the topic of Clock Tower, it is ******* SCARY, except extremely boring if you can imagine that. Also very frustrating. For example, the dude chasing you with the scissors scares the **** out of me. But when I looked in the mirror and got strangled or released a caged parrot and got pecked to death, I was kind of annoyed. Not to mention it is a SNES game with terrible graphics and very childish elements.

STALKER looks alright, I might try that. Almost looks like FEAR.

I love the original Half Life so I will try Afraid of Monsters at some point.

Shark looks reeeeaaaallly stupid.

The thief games aren't even horror games, I've tried them it's like that cloaked guy from Popeye the sailor cartoons is jacking random **** from random people's houses.

Dead Space I might give a try because it looks like a pretty good game, same to System Shock 2 but neither of them look scary to be honest.

AVP2 looks like a great game though and I will definitely play that.
I already did, but that was too scary for me. If I played any longer I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, eat, anything. I'd end up taking my own life. Is that what you want? Do you want me to kill myself? If you did nothing you're just as guilty as I am. In fact, those who do nothing are the real criminals.
I already did, but that was too scary for me. If I played any longer I probably wouldn't be able to sleep, eat, anything. I'd end up taking my own life. Is that what you want? Do you want me to kill myself? If you did nothing you're just as guilty as I am. In fact, those who do nothing are the real criminals.

SHEESH! I thought you said you wanted to play the scariest game ever. Don't take this out on me, mate.
I think that the scariest game ever ever ever ever EVER is....
almost any game when played by most people who are members of a certain Thespian Society
Your linguistic skills have progressed beautifully. It is my wish that other members of this online community will follow your honorable example.