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Somewhat Controversial Should the Goverment Censor the INTERNET


The Grand Admiral
Ok i am not out looking for a fight for once :) but rather would like to hear some opions regarding the following:

Should the Goverment of the United States have the legal right to censor the internet anymore so then they do now? should restrictsions stay the same? or should the restrictions be lightened up?

Whos job is it to protect a house holds children from pronography the Goverments? or the Parents of said child?

In my mind the Goverment has a limited duty to control the content of the internet mostly regarding that which is completly undeinably wrong and inhumane or totally twised should be banned from the web

also anything with content that is a threat to national security should be controled

other than that though i think that it is up to the parents to control what is on their child computer by having a good Parental control system and randomly changing the password.

it is up to the parents to decide when it is best to explain adult content to their children but they need to realize that the potential of their kids talking to friends about it is quite high.

P.s. i know i forgot periods so oh well
Pretty much I think the internet should no restrictions set by the government other than things such as harassment that currently break the law anyways. But in terms of what can be accessed it should be the duty of the parents to set filters and such on the internet.
I agree with Gunslinger. There are way too many government restrictions in place on other forms of media anyway. It should be up to the parents to decide whether or not they want to censer certain information from their children. Seriously, it's not that hard either. If the government wants to provide anything, they can offer classes and information to parents about how to block certain types of info from your computer.
I think this is relevant again with the Egyptian government censoring so much, actually all of, the web recently in response to the uprisings. I think it's really sick when a government cuts off the People's means of communications. Visiting Facebook aside, the Internet is a vast array of knowledge. At least the president said he will no longer run for office, I just hope the UN can convince him to leave sooner rather than later to prevent further uprising.