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Skyward Sword discussion


Deus Ex Machina
Who all got it? I got it on Sunday, and have been playing it since then. It's really good, I personally like it better than TP. Feels more Zelda-y, and the music is amazing. I guess I had never really noticed before when everyone complained about Zelda still using midi music, but now that I've heard the orchestral in SS, sooo much better.

Of course I do have one small complaint. Constantly having to re-center the remote is a pain the butt. It might be my set-up screwing with it (TV is next to my desk, desk has a lamp on it) BUT, Nintendo put in the re-center button and continually reminds you to use it, so I think it's more than just my set-up.
Got is Sunday as well and really loving it! I think right now I'm halfway through the game?
I just watched the cutscene where Zelda goes through that time gate and Impa blows it up. If you haven't seen it I won't say much more. SO EPIC!

I rarely ever have to re-center it (it does happen though). Are you using a Wii Remote with + built in, or the attachment? I bought the collector's edition, and that remote hasn't really caused me issues. I think the biggest trouble I've had is learning to fly the Loftwing, but I got used to it...and it's so awesome to know it doesn't control poorly like the dang Mario Galaxy bird!

IMO, the music = AMAZING!
The music is amazing, and flying the Loftwing is a lot easier than flying that darned bird from Galaxy. -__-

I am about done with the second dungeon atm, and I've had it since Tuesday.
Got a bit further, not gonna say anything cause I don't want to spoil the game, but stuff got intense! I really like the story in this one. And the upgrade shop is cool, too.
You should all count yourselves lucky. I have a distinct lack of ability to play Skyward Sword for another two weeks, alas :(. Hope you're all having lots of fun!
I got it and am loving it, I'm almost through it, just getting sidequest stuff for now. I love the music the Knight Academy music reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory a lil bit. I won't spoil anything of the game but I can control the loftwing great and I also have the special edition that came with the controller and I do not have to recenter much only when I use the bow repeatedly in a row sometimes.
...the music the Knight Academy music reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate factory a lil bit.

Hahahaha, I was thinking the same thing! I have no idea why, it just seems so familiar.

Update on my progress. I haven't gotten to play a ton in the last few weeks because I've had so much to do, but I think I'm pretty close to the end at this point.
Saddest cutscene in Zelda, ever. I'm going to find the Triforce and kick Imprisoned's *****! Got the Water Dragon song...all those dang tadpoles, going to work on fire next.
I got through the fifth dungeon, but between finals, lending my TV to my RA for a gaming night, and a massive ear infection, I haven't been able to play much. I plan on beating it over break, though.
I'm pretty sure that many of you have the game and are currently playing it. From finally finishing the guide I was writing for the game, I came across some things that I think should be discussed. I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone, but if there's anyone that wants to discuss it, please feel free to post.
One year later(ish)!

Tried going back to beat it. But meh. Got sorta close to the last battle, gave up cause Mr. Fabulous was annoying, my wrist starting getting sore, and I got annoyed at the Motion+ controls... yet again. They were one of the main factors I stopped playing in the first place. They become uncentered too easily, they're a touch too sensitive (I'll try to reposition the sword carefully, and it'll slash), and then there's trying to position the sword right. My word, all I can say is I hope the technology improves some (granted I am using an old style add-on, rather than a Wii Remote+).

I do really like the story, though. Helps explain some of the back story, attempts to tie up loose ends, etc. And it was better than Twilight Princess. And a better love story than Twilight (although what isn't?).

The world on the other hand, though... Ummmm... I'm not 100% sure what to think. The main hub of Skyloft (and surrounding airspace) was decent. Not the best Zelda world, but not the worst either. For the size, it had a good amount of people, and the Gratitude Crystal sidequest fleshed them out a bit. No Bomber's Notebook, but not bad, either.

Other stuff: I liked the upgrade system, and I feel like we should see it in future Zelda games. Music was awesome. Graphics were good. Bird was an interesting change of pace.

Non-content-related-rant: Maybe this comparison is completely uncalled for, unrealistic, comparing apples to oranges, whatever. At least hear it out. I feel like Nintendo is falling behind as far as gameplay and robust content go. You look at SS, and yes in it's own right you have a good game. Compared to other Zelda games, it's decent. But compare it to any contemporary title, and its meh. Sure its solid, only one game breaking glitch, and no small glitches that I could see. And sure the audio and visuals were good. But it was fairly slim. You could beat it relatively easily. And the replay value is meager at best. Yeah, there's a New Game+, but once you played through for the story, why bother. It's not an instant classic, nor does it seem to have enough potential to be a classic anytime in the future. Maybe it's just me, but Nintendo seems to be stuck two generations ago, making pretty looking games with N64 era content. There's something to be said for innovation, yes, but there's also something to be said about increasing content as you go, to keep players engaged and to keep them coming back.
Dakare, I agree. In retrospect, I fel there was a lot of untapped potential with Skyward Sword that Nintendo didn't develop. I really didn't like how disjointed it felt going from place to place. It made the world seem a lot smaller than it was.

I recently replaced Wind Waker, and although Wind Waker isn't really my favorite Zelda game, I feel like Nintendo did a much better job with the island / place concept than Skyward Sword. It feels more natural in Wind Waker, and it feels like there's a lot more to do and explore. I mean, isn't that a huge chunk of what Zelda games are about, exploring?

Oh well, that's just me. Skyward Sword is still one of my absolute favorites, but I feel like Nintendo could have fleshed it out a little more than they did.