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Ides Of March

Shakespeare's Wife
I know we discussed this, but I'm serious!! The same way you can kick or silence a user, you should be able to 'soap' them for swearing too heavily or speaking profanity. You know, something like, "user [Ides of March] has been soaped." And when they try to type stuff within the span of 30 seconds, it all comes out as *bubble*. Teehee. I think that would be a fine investment.
this nis the dumbest f***ing s*** ive ever heard f*** this!!! just kidding its a good idea but why not get a filter?
It really is a wonderful idea, however I do not control any part of the chatroom code. We license our chatroom from a company called Addonchat who, in turn, controls the chat software. The only thing I have control of as far as features are concerned is which options are enabled for each usergroup and which are not. However, I will be certain to throw this into the suggestion bin over at Addonchat :).