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Super Bowl?


Wha? No thread about the Super Bowl? I'll admit its not my favorite Super Bowl but I would have assumed someone would have already made a thread about it.
Lol, you're asking about the Super Bowl on a Zelda fan site. That's highly ammusing.
Wha? No thread about the Super Bowl? I'll admit its not my favorite Super Bowl but I would have assumed someone would have already made a thread about it.

Don't they only have those sport things in Australia?

...OH! The Super Bowl! Its that thing that interrupts commercials, right?
The half-time show owned, that's all I know. Tom Petty is pretty awesome, and still has it even at his age.
Well, right now the Giants are winning by 3 *10 to 7* in the last five minutes of the fourth quarter. Of course, this could all explode being that 5 minutes of football time is equal to fifteen minutes, but we'll see. WOOO GIANTS! :D.
beging countdown 2 weeks: and couting

DAYTONA 500 at Daytona International Speedway Daytona FL.


PS if and one says that its not a sport I will bann you (no exceptions ) (toyota must die)
Yeah... Nascar isn't really a sport. The person sits in a car going in a counter-clockwise circle. Whats so hard about that? Also, it's beginning, not beging. And, what's so wrong with Toyota?

Now, I don't know when it ends, but who won? I kinda what to know, but I'm not interested enough to check.
Final Score: Giants 17, Patriots 14.

I believe that me and Ultima now own your souls.
Giants won getting a touchdown in the last 40 seconds of the game and holding off the Patriots for the rest. It's funny, there was one second left on the clock and a bunch of giants fans ran on the field in celebration; the NFL said a play still had to accrue for the game to be officially over...so the victory was postponed for about five minutes :D.
"Ultima and I" own your souls... lol jk

Anyway, I watched it with my friends at one of their houses. I went insane when they scored that last touch down.

I'm still trying to register how the New York football Giants could have possibly won this. This is the first season that I've actually decided to watch every single one of their games so this amazes me.
I was rooting for the Patriots but I had a lot of fun during the superbowl anyway. Two girls got really excited the Giants won...