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Swine Flu

Well the Swine Flu has been around in pigs for at least a few centuries. Normally, it wouldn't be able to transfer from human to human. The recent outbreak came from a particular strain that can be transfered via humans.

I'm not really scared, and this isn't going to be the apocalypse. If you catch it, its just a flu. As long as you're healthy and have access to modern medics, you're fine. Avian Flu is probably worse.
Actually the strain of influenza causing the pandemic is a mixture of swine and avian flu called influenzavirus A. You might know it as H1N1. This is likely due to a bacterial transformation of different influenza strains that has become highly successful. Influenzavirus A infects pigs, birds, and humans. Most swine flu infections are so small they go by unnoticed except for the presence of certain antibodies.

A(H1N1) killed about 50 to 100 million people in a pandemic in 1918.
The original strain killed those people. The modern strain is not known as Swine Flu anymore amongst scientists because Swine Flu already existed.

No reason to be scared, wash your hands.
Swine flu never disappeared but because influenza mutates so quickly vaccines can't be made to combat it. It's been around in the midwest for hundreds of years.
I guess it's good to use normal cautions though I don't think it's quite as bad as the media has hyped it up to be. My school has posters all over the building about how to stay swine flu free. It's... interesting... (now if only they'd fix the roof... it leaks a lot.)
I think that people are just being to over dramatic. i think it's something to be wary, but people are posting posters around my school that say things like, "don't take any unnessesary trips to Mexico"

Uh-oh, now what am i going to do next weekend?
its simple... ill have to keep it pg since last time i got a warning. A minority located south of the united states fornicated with a species of swine. Is that pg enough?
it's a weird world out there, but hey, if someone wants to fornicate with a swine, it's their own business, next time, i'd just ask them to not get a desease from it. so, technically, could swine flu be considered an STD? :p
well, it only passes from human to pig through fornication, but human to human, its infectious. same thing happened with AIDS except that involves fornication with a species in the monkey genus. i feel so smart yet so dumb:p
Yeah, you are really dumb.

Wikipedia said:
Transmission of swine influenza virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always cause human influenza, often only resulting in the production of antibodies in the blood. The meat of the animal poses no risk of transmitting the virus when properly cooked. If transmission does cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People who work with pigs, especially people with intense exposures, are at increased risk of catching swine flu. In the mid-20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, this allows accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, fifty confirmed transmissions have been recorded, Rarely, these strains of swine flu can pass from human to human. In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.
Ok, this is my third time editing this post. Yoyolll keeps making me feel like an idiot. ONE OF THE TWO OF YOU, PLEASE EXPLAIN FURTHER.
And I quote myself...

me said:
Yeah, you are really dumb.

Wikipedia said:
Transmission of swine influenza virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always cause human influenza, often only resulting in the production of antibodies in the blood. The meat of the animal poses no risk of transmitting the virus when properly cooked. If transmission does cause human influenza, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People who work with pigs, especially people with intense exposures, are at increased risk of catching swine flu. In the mid-20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, this allows accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, fifty confirmed transmissions have been recorded, Rarely, these strains of swine flu can pass from human to human. In humans, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.

No where in there does it say you have to **** a pig to get the flu.
Zoophilia poses the risk of a zoonosis infection such as rabies, tapeworms, and salmonella. Influenza cannot be transferred via semen, ******l fluid, urine, or feces. HIV may have been obtained from fornication with apes (but more likely from eating pieces of ape waste and/or semen or ******l fluid containing parts) but other human STDs cannot be transferred via bestiality.
Uhhhrrr, ok. I was originally giving support to Zeroth before I re-did my post like three times and yoyolll was being an idiot. Whatever. Zeroth is right (I think).
...I THINK what you're both trying to say is that swine flu is not passed in the way teh hippie said. Is that what you are saying?