I've always loved RPGs for how immersive and in depth they are. I've played them since the SNES days, and they've grown so much over the years. However, the biggest leap that I have ever seen RPGs take is with Oblivion.
Gameplay: 10/10
The possibilities here are endless. The customization and level of character depth is unfathomable. The character you create (through the wonderfully detailed character creator) has a ton of different skill areas and attributes. As the game goes on, you can delve into whichever area of characterization you would like to focus on, and the rewards will be astounding.
Combat is easy to learn, yet takes many months to master (like Super Smash). The fights are always fun and packed with stategy.
There are whole cities waiting to be explored by you. Dozens of caves and old forts just waiting to be looted and explored.
The storyline is a gripping tale. Memorable characters turn up everywhere you go.
The number of side quests this game has is ridiculous. In a good way.
If you get tired of the main quest, you can spend 50 or 60 hours trying to complete all the side quests. There are factions and guilds you can join and complete jobs for, eventually earning yourself the top spot. The level of interaction in this game is astounding.
No matter what it is you like about RPGs, Oblivion has it and lots of it. Basically you can pursue the game anyway you like.
Sound: 9.5/10
Yes, the epic soundtrack and lifelike character voices are there. All the wonderful clinging and clanging of every weapon sounds top notch.
I have to say, during the first few hours of playing I was floored by the outdoor soundtrack and its beauty. However, it loses it's effect by the time the 100th hour rolls around.
Also, the character voices seem to blend together after a while. You'll notice they all start to sound the same.
Other than those two complaints, everything else is just awesome.
Graphics: 10/10
These aren't any old towns and villages that you've seen before. They look and feel like they're alive. The sky is bright and full of beautiful clouds, and the forests are huge and filled with tons of different plants and trees.
All the weapons you hold are wonders to gaze at.
The game hardly ever skips a frame due to the intense graphics.
When you go into caverns and search for treasure, every rock lining the walls will reflect soft glowing light.
I can't think of a game that I've seen or played so far that has better graphics (except maybe Gears of War).
And it's not that they're just pretty textures everywhere. The world FEELS alive. It's presentation is the best.
Side notes/minor quips and qualms: hmm lets see. Sometimes you'll feel overwhelmed at all the possibilities and you might faint. The controls are quite well designed, but once you get into it you'll realize just how complicated it gets. Everything gets really down and dirty the farther you go into. Also, there isn't a lot of main character development (like in the Final Fantasies). It's mostly all outside characters.
OVERALL: 10/10
It's the greatest, most improved RPG I've experienced. It's unfair to mark down the score from a ten just because of some repetitive music and sound. ANY music and sound would get repetitive after that long, and at least this stuff is high quality.
This is a game you will never forget playing.
Gameplay: 10/10
The possibilities here are endless. The customization and level of character depth is unfathomable. The character you create (through the wonderfully detailed character creator) has a ton of different skill areas and attributes. As the game goes on, you can delve into whichever area of characterization you would like to focus on, and the rewards will be astounding.
Combat is easy to learn, yet takes many months to master (like Super Smash). The fights are always fun and packed with stategy.
There are whole cities waiting to be explored by you. Dozens of caves and old forts just waiting to be looted and explored.
The storyline is a gripping tale. Memorable characters turn up everywhere you go.
The number of side quests this game has is ridiculous. In a good way.
If you get tired of the main quest, you can spend 50 or 60 hours trying to complete all the side quests. There are factions and guilds you can join and complete jobs for, eventually earning yourself the top spot. The level of interaction in this game is astounding.
No matter what it is you like about RPGs, Oblivion has it and lots of it. Basically you can pursue the game anyway you like.
Sound: 9.5/10
Yes, the epic soundtrack and lifelike character voices are there. All the wonderful clinging and clanging of every weapon sounds top notch.
I have to say, during the first few hours of playing I was floored by the outdoor soundtrack and its beauty. However, it loses it's effect by the time the 100th hour rolls around.
Also, the character voices seem to blend together after a while. You'll notice they all start to sound the same.
Other than those two complaints, everything else is just awesome.
Graphics: 10/10
These aren't any old towns and villages that you've seen before. They look and feel like they're alive. The sky is bright and full of beautiful clouds, and the forests are huge and filled with tons of different plants and trees.
All the weapons you hold are wonders to gaze at.
The game hardly ever skips a frame due to the intense graphics.
When you go into caverns and search for treasure, every rock lining the walls will reflect soft glowing light.
I can't think of a game that I've seen or played so far that has better graphics (except maybe Gears of War).
And it's not that they're just pretty textures everywhere. The world FEELS alive. It's presentation is the best.
Side notes/minor quips and qualms: hmm lets see. Sometimes you'll feel overwhelmed at all the possibilities and you might faint. The controls are quite well designed, but once you get into it you'll realize just how complicated it gets. Everything gets really down and dirty the farther you go into. Also, there isn't a lot of main character development (like in the Final Fantasies). It's mostly all outside characters.
OVERALL: 10/10
It's the greatest, most improved RPG I've experienced. It's unfair to mark down the score from a ten just because of some repetitive music and sound. ANY music and sound would get repetitive after that long, and at least this stuff is high quality.
This is a game you will never forget playing.