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This guy is new

Well I figured I'd introduce myself as KingKrazyLink a veteran to the Zelda Community and of course the gaming series. Currently Playing Skyward Sword and enjoying every minute of it.
Nice, and welcome. Obviously feel free to post, we need as many active posters here as possible. So make yourself at home and enjoy!
thanks, I will be posting as often as I can, I know how it goes my site has seen better days, I find other sites more pleasing instead, lol.
Hey there and welcome! I try to post often as well, although that doesn't mean I always can, haha. Personally, I can't wait for this mythical redesign Bob has been talking about for a bit, should bring some people back and get some new ones.

On that note, welcome again!
yeah when U chnaged the look of my site it got a lil bit more activity but slowly died out, oh well. Always going to be at Zelda sites and play the games.