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Twilight Princess GC (only 11 years later lol)


The Grand Admiral
So I recently used some of my Christmas money to obtain a copy of Twilight Princess for the Mighty Gamecube, and I must say..... This plays so much better than i remember it on the Wii I am still only in the Forest Temple but TP has already moved up on my Ranking of Zelda Games using the correct controller and none of the motion sensor controls is just wonderful I mean Wow just WOW I made a wrong move not pre-ordering this for the GC back in the day.
Only 11 years late, but better late than never. I definitely enjoy playing Twilight Princess with a controller than the Wii Remote. Playing it on the Wii U is also better too. It's always exciting to play a familiar game with a new twist of controls. Let me know how you adjust to playing. Also, if you need any help, I'm also available. :) I still remember everything about that game.