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Conspiracy Theorist
I'm viewing this in Ubuntu!!!

It's actually not that much different.

Ubuntu is an open source Linux based free operating system. It's only about 2 gigabytes and installs in a matter of minutes. I have a dual boot which means when I turn my computer on, I can choose to start in Ubuntu.

Here's some clarification:

It really doesn't look all that different but it is. Installation is easy, too, if you have Daemon tools or Alcohol 120 or some other mounting program you can simply mount the CD and install or you can burn it to a CD with something like IMG burner. Otherwise, you can install over a network, a USB drive, or ask for a CD.

I recommend people try it if they're curious. It's fast and easy like a hooker and it's also pretty fun (sometimes like a hooker).

Also, if you happen to have an old machine laying around with an empty hard drive and spider webs all over it, you can use Ubuntu as it's OS and start it up again (for shits and giggles). There are Ubuntu downlaods for shitty computers, too!

The best part is something called a "Synaptics Package Manager". All Ubuntu software is free and theres thousands of them to go through. The Package Manager lists them for you for quick downloads.

So try it.
I tried Knoppix, but was never able to install it on a hard drive. Is this easy to install?
Ubuntu is pretty nice.

You can have up to 6 or so separate desktops open at once and rotate between them in 3D. (Click for image)

Alternate view.

And if you want, you can make it look like Windows or an Apple.