Deus Ex Machina
I know a fair amount about the failures that have happened in the videogame industry, so I figured let's make a game about it! Just list a console/game/console add-on (see below) that failed, say why it failed, and then we'll see if you were right! You CANNOT use a search engine or anything to say why it failed. You must think of it off the top of your head. I'll start us off then.
System add-on: Nintendo 64DD
Reason for failure: Nintendo caused too much of a hype about it before it came out. Due to this people had very high expectations about it. It was severely outdated when it was being developed (1995-1998) and when finally released (1999) it was too far behind techology wise and people we severely dissapointed in it. Only six games were ever made for it, and its online service only lasted a year at best. It was only released in Japan.
System add-on: Nintendo 64DD
Reason for failure: Nintendo caused too much of a hype about it before it came out. Due to this people had very high expectations about it. It was severely outdated when it was being developed (1995-1998) and when finally released (1999) it was too far behind techology wise and people we severely dissapointed in it. Only six games were ever made for it, and its online service only lasted a year at best. It was only released in Japan.