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We Can Solve It


Conspiracy Theorist
"You can't solve the climate crisis.

It's too big for one person to solve. It's going to take all of us, working together.

The good news is, the solutions already exist. But the only way we're going to get them is by sending a powerful message to our corporations and our government.

More than a million people, from all walks of life and across the political spectrum, have already come together to make their voices heard. Now we need you. Take one minute to join us at www.wecansolveit.org Because you can't solve the climate crisis on your own."

Go ahead, show your inner hippie.

Note: if you don't believe in the "climate crisis", I understand, just shut up and don't post here. This is solely for those who get it.
It's an ad for www.wecansolveit.org, which is a non-profit organization devoted to making the government and large corporations use and create more environmentally friendly products and use alternate energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and hydrogen.
As much as I love the environment, what is joining this going to do? (I joined anyway.) Its basically just a newsletter sent to your email.
i wish i could do more, but my parents think global warming's just a stage in the environment, and could care less. so i cant switch the light bulbs, or anything like that. but ill do as much as i can
I personally don't have an opinion (me being spineless, I guess), but I still think converting to renewable energy sources and being more energy efficient is a really good thing. I mean, my bros and I convinced my parents to replace most bulbs in our house with florescent bulbs, and it greatly reduced our energy bill. We also bought a new washer and dryer that were Energy Star rated, and they use close to ten gallons less of water. My point is, whether or not you believe in it, putting the methods to use will help in the long run (at least where it counts, your wallet).
It's the same with buying a car. Hybrids are becoming more and more popular with each year as more and more car manufacturers are offering hybrid models. With the soaring gas prices I'm seriously looking to buy a hybrid vehicle. Of course you're always going to get those odd people who think buying a hybrid is "stupid" and believe that only all gas vehicles are the manly thing to buy. Yeah I'm stupid for not paying twice the amount for gas that they would be buying.

also...wasn't this thread closed?
It's the same with buying a car. Hybrids are becoming more and more popular with each year as more and more car manufacturers are offering hybrid models. With the soaring gas prices I'm seriously looking to buy a hybrid vehicle. Of course you're always going to get those odd people who think buying a hybrid is "stupid" and believe that only all gas vehicles are the manly thing to buy. Yeah I'm stupid for not paying twice the amount for gas that they would be buying.

also...wasn't this thread closed?
I reasoned with Bob. This thread is simply for discussion of helping the environment. Not a debate in any way.
I'll probably join eventually, but haven't as of yet. I support it in any case.

As for getting cars to work, hydrogen fuel cells are like magic. They work in internal-combustion style engines (straight gas cars won't work, but you still get the VROOOM) and yet produce zero emissions. The chemical reactions aren't loaded with additives and catalysts, it's just:

Refueling: Water (from rain, filtered) ==> Hydrogen (put in car) + Oxygen (released into atmosphere)

Running: Hydrogen (from fuel cell) + Oxygen (from engine intake) ==> Water (released out exhaust pipe)

No emissions other than the water, and the same amount of oxygen released into the atmosphere is consumed later to make the car go. If rain is used, water that would have ended up on the ground... ends up on the ground anyway. The refueling stations are simple electrolysis separators run using electricity (from solar/hydro/wind of course). Essentially, the fuel cell stores electricity as separated hydrogen and liberates the energy again in an internal combustion engine to make the car go. What's the downside?
What's the downside?
The government loses tax money.

The only reason they won't release the hydrogen engine car is because they're trying to develop a way to create and make the cars use a form of hydrogen that can be sold like gas. (Just a theory, though)

My guess is that this new form of fuel will also be polluting, since they're just trying to find a way to sell it.
Yeah, my dad just bought a new hybrid to replace his truck. He commutes about 2 hours everyday. I remember he made a projected chart on what he will be saving on gas. I'll look for it, he saves a lot.

[EDIT] Also, online petitions rarely accomplish anything.
The government loses tax money.

The only reason they won't release the hydrogen engine car is because they're trying to develop a way to create and make the cars use a form of hydrogen that can be sold like gas. (Just a theory, though)

My guess is that this new form of fuel will also be polluting, since they're just trying to find a way to sell it.
Normally I would say you're being a paranoid anti-establishment radical, but one thing is almost completely validating you:

The government has started subsidizing ethanol. Seriously.

Ethanol sounds nice in theory: fuel that can be run in existing engines that is extracted from corn. It abruptly switches directions, however, when you realize that the input to output of energy given modern mechanized agriculture is about 10:1, and yes, the input is all in various forms of oil. Couple that with ethanol's higher emissions, and the whole thing just falls apart.

But hydrogen can be metered! Fuel cells store liquid hydrogen, and thus a filling station could measure how much they gave out. Of course, anyone with an industrial compression tank could mass-produce the stuff privately, but all that's needed to prevent that are a boatload of restrictive laws.
Since we will eventually run out of fuel to run our cars, alternate energy= why not?

Also, it's very important to not use a lot of toilet paper... so i hate to say this, but we're gonna have to use our hands. Of course, if we want to solve the problem all at once, we have to knock down all our houses and start living like cavemen.
Actually in many third world countries individuals do use their hands. That's why in many countries it is considered a horrifying insult to extend your left hand to another individual. No, I'm not making this up, Google it and see for yourself :).

That aside, hydrogen = the shiz! For the love of all creation though somebody please kill ethanol. Why do we need to sacrifice food that could be used to, I don't know, feed the impoverished and produce less efficiency in the process?
There's more than enough food in the world to feed everyone, the reason starvation exists is solely because of poverty and war. By feeding the impoverished you would be ruining capitalism.

Animaldude, that's not funny at all. People do use ridiculous amounts of toilet paper. We don't have to stop using it, just use less, a good amount. I don't think you understand environmentalism. We're not saying give up civilization, we're saying help us make civilization less harmful to the very ground we live on. It's meant to let the human race live longer and happier.
Screw it, I'm purging the last few posts. This is a petition thread, not a debate thread. If you want to argue about the existence or severity of international hunger, or what have you, start another thread. Granted, there's roughly a 87% chance of it being closed within a few pages, but that's not my problem. I will recommend, however, that you shift to the stickied political thread; that one's not likely to close.
Everyone wants the earth to be a cleaner and better looking place to live but at the same time we need to use the earth to survive.