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what's the hardest temple u have ever been to?

Hmm.....I'm thinking either the Water Temple from OoT, the Water Temple from MM, or the Temple in the Sky from TP
Lakebed Temple from TP easily. The staircase waterfalls had me confused for well over 2 hours.
Hmmm, I could pick from so many:
The Great Palace, LOZ Adventure of Link. Yea, every other Temple in that game was a pain...and then they threw this one at you!

Other than that, I have to agree with Versac on the TP Lakebed Temple making me want to hurt things.

I never found the OOT Water Temple to be hard, it was more along the lines of tedious.
I thought the Lakebed temple was really fun. Didn't seem hard at all.

And the Water Temple was really hard to figure out. It is in most Zelda games.

Actually, I think the one that took the most effort for me (meaning I was stuck there for two weeks going in circles) was that desert temple in Twilight Princess.
i agree with bob, the water temple was tedious, not hard.
The temple at Great Bay in Majora's Mask was easy for me, but the boss battle not so much...

I think the hardest dungeon is the Ice Palace in A Link to the Past. I don't play that level with anyone around me in fear I'd kill them out of my anger and annoyance.