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what's your favriote zelda game ever!!!!And why?

mine is ocarina of time because it's fun and long also very chalenging,but what made it my favriote was the storyline and gameplay.
I'd have to say Majora's Mask because I love the transformation of masks to you and how the last boss is on the MOON! I mean that is just cool.
It's not terrible to have more then one of a topic. Probably hard to find anyway. Way back in the forums.....

*Bob adds: yup, and posting in that would violate our bringing 8 month old threads back to life rule ;)*
TP. For me, it has a certain feel to it, as if I am actually part of it and it's really happening. also I like Midna, particularly at the end of the game.
That's a tough choice for me. I'd probably have to go with A Link to the Past, because that was my first Zelda game, so it has a special place for me. Also, watching the kid turn into a tree makes me sad everytime
My first Zelda game was Oracle of Seasons, but my favorite, by far, is Twilight Princess. Like Targelion said, it just has a feel to it. So many good memories from that game, and so much to do. Nintendo's good at making those types of games, like Metroid Prime.
I also loved a link to the past. and I agree with what zerg said. i thought it was said when the kid turned into a tree.
Oracle of Seasons/Ages. The way they both link, the action of Seasons, the puzzles of Ages, it really appeals to me. They were my first Zelda games and will always be my favorites. I still have them, and I play speed runs every now and then.
I'd have to say Majora's Mask because I love the transformation of masks to you and how the last boss is on the MOON! I mean that is just cool.
i love that game to its awesome i only need three more masks to complete my collection
sry lucemon i couldnt stand majoras mask the puzzles SUCKED
it took me 5 years to beat that game

those puzzles and everything happened to make Majoras Mask a Zelda Title that will forever stand above Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
faust, why would it take you five years to complete a game that's similiar in graphics, music, gameplay and strategy to Ocarina of Time?! It's probably just me, but I was just wondering. Well, I really don't have a favorite game. I love them all!! Probably my most favorite would either be Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. Why, I will tell why.

Ocarina of Time - The first Zelda game for Nintendo 64. Once it hit stores, I had to get it. The first 3-D Graphic Adventure for the Zelda Series. I liked the gameplay, the strategy you had to think of, the graphics, the storyline.... But, what I fell in love with, was the Music. Being a musician, I love music. This really got to me.

Twilight Princess - The first game for the Nintendo Wii. The graphics were realistic, gameplay was really interactive, the music you can fall in love with (I did, ;) ), and lots more.

I'm sorry I can't choose one, but now you know my two favorites of ALL TIMES!! Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time, Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess.