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When do you think you going to die?

Friday, April 30, 2066


Wow ... what happened to clone 847192A?
Well, considering I was born in 1907 (wait, the Webmaster changed that to avoid a government investigation X]), it should be.... hmmm.... well, I don't really know how or when I'll die. That's what makes it interesting. However, I've already decided that I want to be a centenarian!! That would be awesome.
I think i will die at the age of 84 in January 7, 2079
i will die in my sleep.
You will be greatly disappointed.

You will die TONIGHT

I will die November 9 2028. That's kind of early...

Those seconds are counting down kinda fast...like faster than seconds...a lot faster than seconds...

[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Seconds left to live...[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, verdana]
*looks around nervously*

Holy ****, I would live a year longer if I was a smoker. *looks around nervously for a cigarette*

I will live long enough for advancements in technology to make brain uploading possible, at which point I will upload my mind to a computer network that will eventually encompass the entire universe, and live on forever as a data entity.
[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Saturday, July 7, 2068 [/FONT]... this isnt true... how can it tell when u die when theres more to it then your bitrthday gender and you BMI as of know. it also has to do with like genetics and how your life style is when your an adult. i should be way older the 73 when i die
[FONT=ms sans serif, verdana]Saturday, July 7, 2068 [/FONT]... this isnt true... how can it tell when u die when theres more to it then your bitrthday gender and you BMI as of know. it also has to do with like genetics and how your life style is when your an adult. i should be way older the 73 when i die
Dude, I'm gonna be 36 (37 if i smoke).
a psychic told me i would die at the age of 26... she said id OD three days after my birthday cuz my wife left me cuz she wanted find someone who was a little less spiritual.... so im gonna die on July 2nd, 2020. sounds pretty true... According to the site i ill die on friday april 11, 2031 how am i supposed to organize the summer of 69 all over again????